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Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.01
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 8:11 am
by Slayer82
It's coming together nicely, now. ... 20Weakness
I'm in the process of adding some NPCs; something I think adds to the experience of the journey, as it's no use making every being hostile.
There will be a few side extras that I believe will add to the fun of the mod - a magic show is something that I am thinking about, but more about that later.
Well, back to work.

Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.01
Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 5:00 pm
by Torst
Thx for the update.
Looks better and better.
Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.02
Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 4:35 pm
by Slayer82
I'm back with another update.
I could take more screenshots of my progress, but that will be for another time as I have been tweaking a lot of things to improve gameplay.
I am having a few issues, which include the following:
* After loading the game Zimber's assets contain an error regarding the scope and its zoom. I am not using, nor will I to use the scope or zoom function, so I don't know why this error appears after loading.
* Another loading issue stating there are duplicated identity IDs. It's my fault, so I'll need to sort this one out soon.
* Magic of Grimrock custom spells don't consume energy, so the caster can cast them infinitely.
These issues aren't a big deal, but I still need to sort them out. The mod will take take a few more months to complete with a completion date approximately February, 2018.
I know that sounds like a long way away, but I want to do it properly and make it the same quality as Isle of the Deranged. It'll be annoying if I release it and it's subpar.
Plus, the wait will be worth it.
Man, trying to balance the items and magic is difficult. Adding one spell like 'water breathing' can hugely affect the gameplay; so much so that the flow of the mod could be jeopardised.
Well, I'm not going to put a water breathing spell, so no worries there.
I hope people will actually play this thing. I've wasted so much time on it already <lol>.
Alright, back to work again.
Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.02
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:23 am
by andyroosta
Don't worry slayer82, i'll play it!

Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.02
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 7:17 pm
by ozthekeymaster
It will get played! Don't worry one bit about that!
Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.02
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 3:31 pm
by Slayer82
Don't worry slayer82, i'll play it!
It will get played! Don't worry one bit about that!
Well, that's good to hear.
I have fixed a few issues, but life is busy at the moment, so I am working at it when I can.
I'll give another proper update soon.

Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.03
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:03 am
by Slayer82
I'm back again.
It's been difficult working on the mod due to other life commitments, but I am still at it.
I have made some decent progress on the 'Northern Stadium' where the players must deal with a biohazard outbreak.
This area has been quarantined by a task force from a different dimension; they are not from your world, nor from the world the players are visiting.
Recent work towards this area has helped make the mod nearer completion as I was stuck on other issues. I still have a long way to go, so I would say I'm only 20-25% complete.
The mod will definitely be completed, but I do not know when. ... %20Stadium
Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.03
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:15 am
by Torst
Thx for the update.
Pics looks very interesting.
Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.03
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 1:04 pm
by Slayer82
Well, I know these updates are random, but I am still chipping away and at a decent pace.
It's taking a long time to get anywhere with this mod; I feel like I haven't added much since the last update. Although, I have when looking through what I have done.
The stage the "Nether Crossing' is a bridge level to another area. I've tried to add some different themes to this stage such as the Gauntlet Bridge and the 'Advisor' - I'll see how it goes.
I don't think this mod will be as long as 'Isle..'; however, it won't be a short mod.
On a side note, I recommend the player choose a mage, because the spell sets are really fun to acquire and use. By mod's end, I should have approximately 40 different spells available.
Issac has created some fun things to add to a mod, which I have happily used in 'The Allure of Nightfall'.
I'll try and have this finished by February, but with a busy life it's really difficult. I'll update you all if I am ahead or behind. I'll definitely ask for users to play test in January if that is acceptable.
Regarding this, would four people put their hand up for the testing work? It would be much appreciated and would assist in finding game-breaking issues.
Alright, back to work.
Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.03
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 8:56 am
by Torst
As i've said.Call me in
And don't forget christmas is coming