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Re: The realm of Zarqedoc

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:38 pm
by spartacus55
grazie infinite !!! :D
adesso provo ad andare avanti da solo ma, se avessi ancora bisogno ti scriverò sicuramente :oops:
trovo il tuo mod molto ben fatto e non capisco perchè altri utenti qua sopra ti abbiano fatto delle critiche severissime :x
in fondo quelli come te si impegnano gratuiatmente per far divertire gli altri senza chiedere nulla in cambio...
ma c'è sempre qualcuno che crede che tutto gli sia dovuto :evil:
grazie ancora e a risentirci :D

Re: The realm of Zarqedoc

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:30 pm
by AdrianKnight
Prego. Puoi scrivermi per qualsiasi dubbio sugli enigmi da risolvere ma anche per segnalare eventuali errori o sbilanciamenti nelle battaglie (ad esempio battaglie troppo facili oppure battaglie troppo difficili) in modo da aiutarmi a migliorare il mod.
A risentirci. :)

Re: The realm of Zarqedoc

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:15 am
by Isaac
AdrianKnight wrote: Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:14 pm
I have 25+ lockpicks (!) because they are just copy-pasted as loot.
I must explain this choice. In this mod the total number of lockpicks is perfectly balanced with the total number of locked chests present in all game areas. But I decided to put more lockpicks than chests only in the four Ulqerak town areas because only in these areas chests contain essential keys necessary to progress further in the game. All other chests contain additional items. So it could appear as a casual loot spawning, but it is not.
In SSI's "Eye of the Beholder" the designers would manage the keys, such that if the player picked a lock, then a key for it would disappear; the player was none the wiser (it wasn't one that they had found), and it prevented a surplus of redundant keys.

With scripting it is certainly possible to manage the availablity of keys, based on where the party has explored, what they carry, and what's not been found.

*My own personal preference is that there should always be more locks than keys; more chests than lock picks.
You also get 80 ammo as loot.
Yes. There are many pellet boxes. I don't like when the party run out of ammo. If we use skillpoints in firearms we should always have the possibility to use firearms, in my opinion. Further in the game there is also the possibility to create pellet boxes and cannon balls.
Not really a fan of endless bullets. This is the same problem afflicting nearly all modern shooters. Scarcity of ammo adds tension and a sense of value to the choice to fire (and panic when they run out; elation when they find a few pellets more). This is absent where ammo is free and plentiful.

It was a staple of certain early shooters that ammo was deliberately scarce. There is no point to having an ammo counter if the intention is to 'fire whenever at will'.

Re: The realm of Zarqedoc

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 10:11 am
by AdrianKnight
With scripting it is certainly possible to manage the availablity of keys, based on where the party has explored, what they carry, and what's not been found.
This is a good idea. I will consider this idea if I will produce other mods.
But I decided to put more lockpicks than chests only in the four Ulqerak town areas because only in these areas chests contain essential keys necessary to progress further in the game. All other chests contain additional items.
I must correct my previous affirmation. Locked chests with essential items are located in: Ulqerak dungeon, Ulqerak town in all four areas, Ulqerak mine, Ulqerak mausoleum level 3, Ulqerak forest (east).
Scarcity of ammo adds tension and a sense of value to the choice to fire (and panic when they run out; elation when they find a few pellets more). This is absent where ammo is free and plentiful.
I agree in general, but in this particular game the player can choose to use its skillpoints also in other ranged weapons skills: missile weapons and throwing weapons. A character skilled in missile weapons or throwing weapons has no ammo problems (since missile weapons and throwing weapons ammo can be recovered). So, in my opinion, it is probable that most players would choose missile weapons or throwing weapons skills rather than firearms skill, if they know that in a certain mod there is scarcity of firearms ammo. I prefer to keep firearms ammo very plentiful to try to keep the balance between the different ranged weapons skills.

Re: The realm of Zarqedoc

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 10:19 am
by spartacus55
ciao :D
ho ancora bisogno di aiuto... :oops:
nella palude non capisco come debba muovere il cubo sulle piastre...ho provato a farlo andare sui quadrati luminosi ai 4 angoli e poi a farlo andare su tutti gli altri quadrati non illuminati ma ...niente :evil:
ho forse perso qualche pergamena che davi dei consigli ? :shock:
e a proposito di consigli, tu hai chiesto di darti dei pareri sulla difficoltà dei combattimenti
premesso che io non sono un gran giocatore ma, anche giocandolo da facile, l'ho trovato piuttosto impegnativo ! :?
ma se posso permettermi io, piuttosto che indebolire o diminuire i nemici farei trovare armi migliori ( ad esempio boneblade, serpent blade) e equipaggiamenti migliori ! :D
così la sfida sarebbe sempre difficile ma più abbordabile !
e poi c'è sempre molta soddisfazione quando si trovano delle belle ricompense nei bauli ! ;)
ciao e grazie per la tua eventuale risposta :P

Re: The realm of Zarqedoc

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 11:06 am
by AdrianKnight
C'è una nota con le indicazioni su come muovere il cubo nella palude.
La nota si trova in uno dei negozi in Ulqerak town NW (il negozio dove si trova anche la bussola).
La nota si dovrebbe trovare su di un tavolo di legno, se mi ricordo bene.

Per quanto riguarda il discorso del bilanciamento della difficoltà, purtroppo il mod è molto lungo e quindi ho dovuto distribuire gli equipaggiamenti su moltissimi livelli. Nei livelli successivi verranno trovati moltissimi equipaggiamenti.

Forse è meglio se continuiamo a scrivere in italiano tramite messaggi privati, poichè penso che sul forum siano in pochi a parlare italiano. Ti mando un messaggio come prova. :)

Re: The realm of Zarqedoc

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 9:35 pm
by Kirill
I know this may sound crazy - but if you give 25+ lockpicks in first town just because you are afraid that player will miss critical item (key) from locked chest. Maybe just not lock chests with critical items?

Again, i know this sounds crazy.

Re: The realm of Zarqedoc

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 10:45 am
by AdrianKnight
This is a good idea, but equivalent to place essential items in alcoves (for example).
I prefer to keep some essential items in locked chests (in the first areas), keeping the following actions as required:
- Search the area for lockpicks
- Use lockpicks to open locked chests and pick up essential items in the chests

Re: The realm of Zarqedoc

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 10:30 pm
by Resu
Hey AdrianKnight.

I started to play this mod. I played 3 levels. And I am sorry but your map feels kind of empty and lifeless. Also unnessesary key management and always the same fighting experience in the levels and... are there even Secrets? The Levels dont even have real names^^ Its mostly just empty space filled with monsters and chests with keys you need for the next areas... Come on bro, you have to fill your mod with life and ideas.

Re: The realm of Zarqedoc

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 12:19 am
by AdrianKnight
In this mod most outdoor areas have many repeated elements and few puzzles.
This was a common feature in some old rpgs.
Most indoor areas have a completely different structure, less repetitive and with many puzzles.