jfunk wrote:Realms of Arkania (The old Drakensang based games)?
Could be. Screenshots look familiar.. Didn't remember the turn based 3rd person battles though.. On the other hand, that's how the gold box games worked too.
Yes, the battle was 3d isometric turn based in those games.
Shiva wrote:Eye of the beholder - series.
Yes some of them were better than others but as a series...this is the best in my mind.
It was awesome to get to a new level and see what monster you would meet. Hated the spiders in EOB1 though! So much saving and reloading. ACK!
I love them too (I own all three), but for me the presentation and story in LoL was just better. EOB 1 and 2 are a VERY close second, but for me there was just more artistry with LoL, and the glide movement made it easier to keep track of your bearings (damn spin traps).
EOB is hands down one of my favorite games of all time. I also really enjoyed the random dungeons in Dungeon Hack. There were plenty of other similar games I never got around to (most notably LoL) Thanks for the mention of ScummVM, I hadn't heard of it and am kind of stoked to dig up some old games and play them now.
Keep mentioning other titles to try in this thread, I'm definitely bookmarking it for future reference.
For my own reference in case I lose track of the other threads, other titles mentioned I want to get my hands on and try include: Frayed Knights and Captive.