Let's Play LoG... in Dungeons & Dragons!
Re: Let's Play LoG... in Dungeons & Dragons!
There's spiders everywhere... said the Fighter. Said. Before he was dead.
If we do not end the war, the war will end us.
Re: Let's Play LoG... in Dungeons & Dragons!
Has he been rezzed yet? Or is the party dying from poison!
A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
Re: Let's Play LoG... in Dungeons & Dragons!
Only the brave fighter has died, saving the life to all other party members, they are working on "how to retrive the dead body for the crystal of life".Darklord wrote:Has he been rezzed yet? Or is the party dying from poison!
If we do not end the war, the war will end us.
Re: Let's Play LoG... in Dungeons & Dragons!
How's it going now? Was the fighter saved, is the party still continuing onwards?

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
Re: Let's Play LoG... in Dungeons & Dragons!
Wow, purely awesome. I have barely tested DM, it was quite difficult. But if someone would create LOG on DM, Pure awesomness.
Baked maggot is awful.
Pit Bread is nice
Pit Bread is nice
Re: Let's Play LoG... in Dungeons & Dragons!
I have to say I'm really enjoying this thread.
I'm a big fan of 1st edition an pre-first edition (the little brown books). Been playing both since 1979, with some acceptance of 2nd edition and custom rules along the way)
Looking forward to hearing more about your campaign. Can't wait to see how they handle "paths of thought".
I'm a big fan of 1st edition an pre-first edition (the little brown books). Been playing both since 1979, with some acceptance of 2nd edition and custom rules along the way)
Looking forward to hearing more about your campaign. Can't wait to see how they handle "paths of thought".
Re: Let's Play LoG... in Dungeons & Dragons!
I personally wouldn't even consider trying to port the character system for LoG into D&D.
However, I would definitely consider directly copying the theming, story and mazes from LoG, and I infact intend to do so. Gonna set up a local group to play.
Have the players generate standard D&D characters, generate some appropriate stats for the monsters and treasures (trash the alchemy system etc) and done.
It's a sneaky bastard of a game, though. Considering how difficult D&D can be in comparison, this could be one hell of a challenge.
But fun
Think I'll run it in Pathfinder or 3.5, though. I think 1st Ed would be a bit much. With the complexity of the material, there's no need to pile on more.
If I get round to it, I'll post the results of how the players enjoy the game, if they do.
However, I would definitely consider directly copying the theming, story and mazes from LoG, and I infact intend to do so. Gonna set up a local group to play.
Have the players generate standard D&D characters, generate some appropriate stats for the monsters and treasures (trash the alchemy system etc) and done.
It's a sneaky bastard of a game, though. Considering how difficult D&D can be in comparison, this could be one hell of a challenge.
But fun

Think I'll run it in Pathfinder or 3.5, though. I think 1st Ed would be a bit much. With the complexity of the material, there's no need to pile on more.
If I get round to it, I'll post the results of how the players enjoy the game, if they do.
Every time you type something dumb, a puppy dies.
Re: Let's Play LoG... in Dungeons & Dragons!
Hey, sounds like a great idea... and I'm on vacation... hrrrmmm, if I get round to it I'll also try to make something, but I would do it either in 4E or in an entirely other system (WFRP, GURPS Dungeon Crawl, Anima... so many systems I could choose from).
If I get something done, I'll post my results here =D
If I get something done, I'll post my results here =D
Re: Let's Play LoG... in Dungeons & Dragons!
Any news from your party??
Will you share the adventure material?
Will you share the adventure material?
Re: Let's Play LoG... in Dungeons & Dragons!
I'm back, finally... i was stuck with an accident (no serious damages involved). The party has reached the level 6 of Mt. Grimrock but 2 of'em still alive. I will tell your more soon.
For the gaming material i used the D&D basic, the first edition (redbox). For the xp system i'm used to leveling-up every dungeon level for the rogues and clerics, every 2 for warriors and wizards.
For the gaming material i used the D&D basic, the first edition (redbox). For the xp system i'm used to leveling-up every dungeon level for the rogues and clerics, every 2 for warriors and wizards.
If we do not end the war, the war will end us.