In one of reviews I saw some solid metal door - reviewer couldn't open it. It was hint on the wall about some treasure inside.Curunir wrote:OR by some mega-secret room in the first level.
The Party of One [warning: latest posts may contain spoiler]
Re: The Party of One
custom Legend of Grimrock printable DVD box insert and disc label: link
Re: The Party of One
I suppose if it says "treasure", the door will lead to actual treasure. I don't think solo mode would be that obvious if it's in a secret.
Re: The Party of One
Well yes, you are probably right. On the other hand "proper" solo mode should allow player to start solo before any fight happens to gather all experience on one character - so it shouldn't be far far away from starting area (somewhere inside starting area could be the best bet) and I think I already know whole gameplay of 1st level. 

custom Legend of Grimrock printable DVD box insert and disc label: link
Re: The Party of One
That's how I intend to use it. It was my trick in dungeon Master. Use one character and it gets all the exp and skills and items.
I haven't found out yet if there is skill increase from usage in this game.
I haven't found out yet if there is skill increase from usage in this game.
Re: The Party of One
The logic goes if you only have one dead character then no one can move to the resurrection point.Lex wrote:Here is a quote from game manual: "If health is drained to zero, the character dies but he can be resurrected at certain locations in the dungeon." so your statement is no longer right (if it was before).
Re: The Party of One
As there is no auto attack and you need to click on portrait to hit (=gain experience) there is no big loss to have them resurrected as long as you let them die again.e8hffff wrote:The logic goes if you only have one dead character then no one can move to the resurrection point.
custom Legend of Grimrock printable DVD box insert and disc label: link
Re: The Party of One
Lex wrote: If experience is not shared then one party member will get it all - it means that he/she will be four times stronger in terms of experience than "average four people party member". That means that he/she will earn more skills points to easier and faster acquire high levels in his/her statistics.
That's not entirely correct because you'll be losing 3/4 of your attacks, weight distribution, item slots, health & mana bars. 1 character means you'll have a torch in one hand... who is going to carry the compass when you get it? I didn't see a "torch" weapon skill specialization either.
Level 50 in every skill is the max.Lex wrote: If I've read correctly, experience points are divided only between these party members who hits (am I right?) so dead members should not gain them and alive one should level up faster.
The main possible problem could be max level limit as I do not know if there is such in game... I hope not?
I've asked and as far as I know no one has answered.... can we pick skills however we want if we build heroes? I don't need 3 weapon skills for a fighter (2 is plenty).
I'm now rethinking the Minotaur as they have a big penalty to hit and eat more food. Hmmm.
Re: The Party of One
That's true, but it is the way to play it.Hissssa wrote:That's not entirely correct because you'll be losing 3/4 of your attacks, weight distribution, item slots, health & mana bars. 1 character means you'll have a torch in one hand... who is going to carry the compass when you get it? I didn't see a "torch" weapon skill specialization either.
- all combats will need to be more tactical and more ranged than melee
- you will not need so many item slots as you won't need most of items for the other professions, also you won't eat that much etc.
- it is not a must to have always a torch in hand - i can still try to use torches when mounted on walls and I can kill on monsters first then search for secrets with torch in hand later
Yes, at this moment I know more about some skills - this topic was created before I gathered information about skills etc.Hissssa wrote:Level 50 in every skill is the max.
Yes, we can pick and develop even only one skill during whole game - I can not see "why not?".Hissssa wrote:I've asked and as far as I know no one has answered.... can we pick skills however we want if we build heroes? I don't need 3 weapon skills for a fighter (2 is plenty).
I'm now rethinking the Minotaur as they have a big penalty to hit and eat more food. Hmmm.
I think there should be enough food to feed one Minotaur in party - also putting 10 points in Athletics decreases food consumption.
custom Legend of Grimrock printable DVD box insert and disc label: link
Re: The Party of One
If you like drink milk, you have to feed well the minotaurLex wrote: I think there should be enough food to feed one Minotaur in party - also putting 10 points in Athletics decreases food consumption.

Re: The Party of One
any found out how to desmis the 3 party members before level 2 ?