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Re: (20) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS - more to come
Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:49 am
by akroma222
Ahh Merethif! It WAS you hehe

That is ogre is outstanding indeed, very nice...
@HaunterV - Ta for adding the monster pack to the community assets... I think I will updating the pack fairly regularly, but I will post in this thread what I add (and will increase the title number too)
Re: (22) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS - more to come
Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:54 am
by akroma222
2 scavengers added - black... and red tooth. They are not friendly.
Also, lizard steaks (fire/green and dark) are done, as are dark legion shield and spear (for dark skeleton).
Once I get the icon atlas to do what it is suppose to, they will up (dark equipment very off center).
Re: (22) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS - more to come
Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:53 pm
by Batty
Downed the new snails & scavengers, nice. How about a putrid, bile yellow, malaria oozing shrakk torr & an evil++ shrakk torr like that dark scavenger?
edit: I think you forgot to upload the models for the new scavengers, only .dif on there.
Re: (22) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS - more to come
Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:46 pm
by Ciccipicci
scavenger_red_tooth and black is missing.
TO ADD: skeleton_dark_weapons in monsters.lua
name = "skeleton_dark_weapons",
diffuseMap = "mod_assets/textures/skeleton_dark_weapons_dif.tga",
specularMap = "assets/textures/monsters/skeleton_warrior_weapons_spec.tga",
normalMap = "assets/textures/monsters/skeleton_warrior_weapons_normal.tga",
doubleSided = false,
lighting = true,
alphaTest = false,
blendMode = "Opaque",
textureAddressMode = "Wrap",
glossiness = 50,
depthBias = 0,
Re: (22) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS - more to come
Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:43 pm
by Neikun
Batty wrote:Downed the new snails & scavengers, nice. How about a putrid, bile yellow, malaria oozing shrakk torr & an evil++ shrakk torr like that dark scavenger?
edit: I think you forgot to upload the models for the new scavengers, only .dif on there.
I'm working on a diseased monster set, myself. Should be released later today n.n
Re: (22) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS - more to come
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:14 am
by akroma222
@Ciccipicci - thankyou! that material wasn't sitting with the dark skel when I dumped them all in, fixed up now
@Batty - I am def going that direction with the skrakk torrs! Malaria and everything

Scavenger models have been added now, thanks for letting me know
@Neikun- Very interested to see the diseased monster set!!

Re: (22) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS - more to come
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:31 am
by Neikun
Re: (22) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS - more to come
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:37 am
by akroma222
Haha! They look very very groovy indeed

It seems you are/were having the same trouble I am with the herder's dangly transparent bits... if you find a way to solve this please let me know! (I am not too savvy with transparency yet)

Re: (22) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS - more to come
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:09 am
by Neikun
Perhaps using the fill bucket, filling in all transparent sections with black. Then alphaTest = false,
That's how I did the Crowern.
Give it a test, I have to go to bed.
Re: (22) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS + new item drops
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:37 am
by akroma222
Thanks Neikun, will give a go
Added - lizard steaks, dark legion equipment
** remember to download akroma icon atlas (and the new version when there is a new release of items)
- Thanks to Flizban and Merethif for helping me get my head around the icon atlas stuff, cheers!!