Here is my team setup~! Post yours, so that we can have an archive on what composition seems to suit others better!!
Minotaur Rogue (Skills: Unarm, Dodge) (Talent: HeadHunter, Fist Fighter) - Hits like a Truck....
Human Fighter (Skills: Axe, Armor) (Talent: Aggressive, Skilled) - Awesome Tank
Insectiod Mage (Skills: Ice, Fire, SpellCraft) (Talent: Aura, StrongMind) - Ice Lancing is good~
Human Mage (Skills: Air, SpellCraft) (Talent: Aura, StrongMind) - My Swarm Killer
I'm currently at Dungeon level 4-5, Character Level 4. having a blast! Not a very heavy item dependent team, but i cant seem the find the spell scrolls for my mages