[MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Xanathar »

Thanks Komag :)
Crap crap crap crap crap

Please try this in console:

for i in entitiesAt(party.level, party.x, party.y) do print(i.name); end

while standing on the key skeleton. Then remove the map marker there, and do it again.

Please confirm my finding - if confirmed we have a game bug to report I think :(
But anyway, man, you have a map-marker-fetish! :lol:
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by leewroy »

Hey dude
stuck on the first floor. The hint says I had to go back t the second floor, but the way is blocked. Can't find another way
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Xanathar »

@leewroy.. from 1st you can always get down to 2nd by the same stairs you used to get up :?

if in trouble, I'll happily look at the savegame
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by leewroy »

oh my...guess I have to take a break, lol. I totally forgot the stairs, always focusing on the bars...it says the mechanism is broken and we have to find another way. I´ll start again with the map this time ;)

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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Shaf »

On Level 5 - Ancient Digs there are a lot of teleporters, I cannot deactivate the one in SE Area not the SE Corner but in the Corridor running south after the Pressure Plate. The Switch in the Central Area doesn't deactivate it. I've explored all other areas on this level except for the blocked passage at North center.
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

Definitely confirmed Grimrock bug with map notes on top of in-game cells. But I wasn't able to easily reproduce the bug - tried placing a new note and it didn't interfere like the previous ones. Tried saving, quitting Grimrock, starting again, loading save, still no interference like before. Must be in some way related to the allEntities bug, since both of them are from map notes.

Anyway, now I can continue, nice!
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Shaf wrote:On Level 5 - Ancient Digs there are a lot of teleporters, I cannot deactivate the one in SE Area not the SE Corner but in the Corridor running south after the Pressure Plate. The Switch in the Central Area doesn't deactivate it. I've explored all other areas on this level except for the blocked passage at North center.
I was stuck in the same place. Luckily, Xanathar gave me a tip on skype...
There is a teleporter on this floor that will teleport you into the slot where the 3rd key is hidden.
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Xanathar »

Thanks Komag for confirming :) At least the entitiesAt only affect entities in the exact same tile. Sadly this mod uses entitiesAt heavily :| , so I recommend using map markers only on walls - possibly not even on wall bordering walkable tiles. :shock:

On the other hand to everyone: I've put a "Known Bugs" section in the first post of this thread, I'll keep this updated, and when a new version is out (shortly), I'll detail which versions are affected by each bug. Of course I'll put just major bugs there (where you can get stuck, lose an item or crash to desktop), so don't worry if something you report (like, say, english errors in dialogues or flickering objects) is not there as I want to keep that list with just the bugs players have to know in order to workaround/avoid.
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

found another large bug:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/uds0qux3w15pz ... wapBUG.zip

Here are my notes up to this point, with the bug listed at the bottom:
- GRIMROCK BUG - map notes can cause problems with entitiesAt searches in cells
- now I got the key from that skeleton and can progress!
- found secret way into prison level area, got lurker hood
- found rune of spirituality, life stone warped me back to life rune!
- Talking - Otis "I will believe you, promised." should be "I will believe you, I promise."
- Talking - Otis "...prisoners anymore - but has not been executed" should be "...prisoners anymore, but had not been executed"
- Talking - Otis "...the door to the basement, a guard..." should be "...the door to the basement. A guard..."
- Talking - Otis "infamous "death pit"to die" should be "infamous "death pit" to die" (needs a space)
- Talking - Otis "I'm arachnophobic, they couldn't kill me in a worst way." should be I'm arachnophobic, so they couldn't have killed me in a worse way."
- Talking - Otis "riot could rise in the mines.. I think..." should be riot could rise in the mines... I think..." (.. should be ... in all places you want that pause/continuation)
- Talking - Otis "Everytime" should be "Every time"
- Talking - Otis "actions to carry" should be "actions to carry out" or "actions to perform"
- Talking - Otis "eager of gaining more power.. even in the academy..." should be "eager to gain more power... even in the academy..."
- Talking - Otis "He sneaked in the prison commiting some petty crime, and then escaped in the mines." should be "He got into the prison by commiting some petty crime, and then escaped and sneaked into the mines."
- Talking - Otis "...artifacts below. The relics of Barikule." should be "...artifacts below, the relics of Barikule."
- Talking - Otis "artificier, from..." should be "artificer from..." (no i and no ,)
- Talking - Otis "which is the empire on the south" should be "which has the empire on the south"
- when I went to shelter and recruited Otis (to replace Jill), message said Jill gained a level! (Also Otis gained a level), is that a mistake?
- BUG - when recruiting/swapping Jill and Otis over and over, they both get permanent improvements in health and energy
- BUG - and Jill gets an extra protection each time, and higher and higher Vitality (and thus resist cold and poison)
- BUG - also noticed that the light armor (Sandmole Hide Vest) from Jill to Otis doesn't reduce Otis' Evasion
- other than this major exploit/bug, the recruiting/swapping is pretty impressive!
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Xanathar »

when I went to shelter and recruited Otis (to replace Jill), message said Jill gained a level! (Also Otis gained a level), is that a mistake?
This is correct.. there is no getExp method in LoG, so to swap the chars in/out I have to add 1xp to the exiting char in a loop, until it gains a level, at that point I know how much exp he had and save it, then do all the swap stuff (which resets everything hopefully, but given you rreport it doesn't :P ) and reassign all the experience. This causes multiple level gains here and there which are actually just side effects of the API. :roll:

As far as the exploit goes.. I'll try to fix it but in the end if the player wants to cheat... he just has to type "cheater.cheatBeta()" and he is done :P

Thanks for all the notes! They are very precious.
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