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Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:54 pm
by Inspiredhate
To mr Pusher, actually the poison have already been lowered considerably since the beta, ill let it that way, also just take your time and tread carefully , you'll find that theres a lot of safe spots for you to move around.
Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:41 pm
by eLPuSHeR
Unfortunately after being killed countless times trying to navigate the 2F mines I gave up. Sorry but being pinned down/blinded and fireballed while poisoned is not fun to me.
Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:02 pm
by Dr.Disaster
Inspiredhate wrote:All of what you described me should be fixed with 1.3, and ok, ill lower the poison ball impact damage ^^' but what was supposed to happen is, when you kill both minions or you lower boss at certain hp the traps start up and end when boss + minions are dead , should work as intended now even on reload mid fight.
Edit: Myhea , the lag is a bit harder on lower end pc in this fight. Probly need to lower graphic quality for this one. All the objects on this floor dosent help to be honest..
The fight is in a closed room, had no prob's with the framerate as long as the green balls were not flying. My pc soon gets 3 years old but an I7-950 and a GTX 460v1 are still far from being lower end. When green flying objects suddenly bring my framerate down it's for sure not my pc's fault.
Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:11 pm
by Inspiredhate
Like i said the objects on this floor dont help. EVEN if they seem far away and you're in a closed room they still use up a fair bit amount of power. its the cumulative of objects + particles that make it lag. Ill check if I could make a floor specially for this fight if people tell me that even with lower rez / textures it still lag.
Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:18 am
by Koiju
Dr.Disaster wrote:Koiju wrote:I'm a little stuck though, did all of the mine area and ruined abode levels, got the two gems and used them on the door in the hall, did most of that level till the room with an orange glow and spider web in the ceiling, pressed the button, whole level shakes a lot, cleared the room of slimes and pressed the hidden switch, and left that room, but can't find what changed. I'm assuming something big happened cos it shacked a lot, but I have no idea what :S
Help would be appreciated ^^
IIRC the shaking came from some walls collapsing, releasing the slimes.
According to my memory and map (and you haven't been there) NE and E of your map should be blank yet, beside one gate in the NE you could not open. If i'm right it's time to backtrack and look for another way in.
Thanks for the reply.
I was thinking it would be up there, but I've search the entire Main Hall floor, nothing has changed, no walls or doors have opened, and I searched the whole place, twice :S
Is there anything more specific someone can tell me?
EDIT: oh yeah, one thing did change, the blue rest crystal is gone, but thats it
Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:24 am
by Inspiredhate
Nah nothing you could acess right now has changed indeed, you,ll need to figure out how to open the other portcullis near the start of this floor
Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:28 am
by Dr.Disaster
Koiju wrote:I was thinking it would be up there, but I've search the entire Main Hall floor, nothing has changed, no walls or doors have opened, and I searched the whole place, twice :S
Is there anything more specific someone can tell me?
Your map should show two gates (NW and NE) and a short row of grates (N) which you can't pass yet.
Look for a way to open the NW gate. If you succeed you will be close enough to hear the gate open.
Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:40 pm
by Dr.Disaster
Finally finished it! My last save says 24:20 play time but this does not reflect the amount of searching, mindboggling and also reloading.
This mod is the most challenging one i played to date, definatly made for experienced players! Although largely linear the layouts are twisted i.e. buttons can open things very far away so you will walk one floor a few times back and forth to see what happened .. or happens! The scenery is without a doubt great and seeing germanny's wallset early on really had me spooked a few times. Also several modfications like different Light spell, poison and cold effect behavior raise the challenge factor quite a few notches, so if you can't stand that don't play it.
The mod description states it's made for a lvl 1 party and combat-wise this might hold vs. the regular monsters. Now trap-wise a lvl 1 party is done very quickly so my take is it won't hurt to start with a lvl 3..5 party. Prolly also due to this InspiredHate already lowered a few damage effects, otherwise it gets too frustrating. Also stated is to have at least one mage in the party. That's good advice and having two of different schools definatly won't hurt and i even like to add a bit of advice here: you will encounter all kinds of magic immunities (incl. air) throughout the mod so an air mage is not that all-powerful as usually. If anybody prefers to go without a mage have at least two strong ranged rogues in the backrow.
Food is ok as long as you don't overdo it with exploring like i tend to

What i actually miss are working refills for the waterskins; not that there are many fountains around anyway but hey! it would help the sightseeing lovers. Gear distribution is well balanced from start to finish. Also the secrets contain stuff being a tad better then what you have without looking for them so that's nice too. The puzzle difficulty is at least moderate and ranks up to WTF?!? .. you've been warned
The four boss battles are impressive but also hard to very hard, especialy the last one which i was NOT able to complete in one go. I had to quick-save several times (and reload after dying) to get this mean bad ass boss down. Once i made it thru this extremly hard fight i witnessed the end .. which actually seemed to be the bad one

Either i need to backtrack further if i want to see the good end or start a replay with a better prepared group then the default LoG party.
Some of the secrets are very well hidden yet there are quite some clues around so i was able to find 37 of the 41 secrets along the way plus 3 skulls. My secret count might have been even better but i have to say that i could not complete two riddles at the end of the optional forbidden vault due to not having the right things on me and one does not get a second chance here which IMO is ok! Also i could not complete one rather early secret because
i'm unable to recall what the scenery was like by the first time i got there.
So in total my final score might have been 40 of 41. For the last missing secret i got no idea what or where it might be but that's stuff for a replay i say.
The only things i'd like to see changed are some "routines" on the final boss (InspiredHate already has my PM's) but i won't spoil this here so you can make up your own mind once you meet him.
Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:09 pm
by Inspiredhate
V1.4 is online!
Bugs: Fixed a crash that affected floor 14 and 16.
Misc: Made a sound easier to hear.
A BIG thanks to Dr.Disaster to have reported these nasty little buggers!
Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:51 pm
by joramsey
I'm struggling with the time is relative but evil will not be forgotten puzzle on floor eight. Any hints/suggestions?