Dandy wrote:It's the first time I have took notice of the amount of detail you have incorporated into the game, it looks as if it is going to very atmospheric, especially with some creepy sound/music to go along with it.
With this type of game coming back into the public eye and there being a rising demand for it, word really needs to get out to the people about Dungeon kings. I would think it would do well on kickstarter or even some form of early access, I don't know.
Anyway, it looks good enough to eat.

Thanks dandy. I am glad you noticed it. That's what is taking the most time, settings and details to get the best atmosphere. Some months ago, i was discussing with Game Designer. He was saying that when creating a game, you have to think twice before adding features : compute the ratio about how much it brings to the game versus the time you spend on it. I totally disagreed with him, if listen too much at him, i would make a game without any soul. Details will make de difference in my opinion. I have spent countless hours tweaking stuffs like fov, fog, light colors etc. etc., or trying to put details into geometry to avoid "clean like dungeon". And i'll go on that way ! I could make a simple clone like a few we can find on mobile, it would take no more than a couple of weeks to create, but definately NOT the way i am following. I want the game to be immersive, and with a great ergonomy, even on mobile/tablets, not only on PC.
About Kickstarter, unfortunately it's not open to french developers like me, we can pay to support projects, not create our own (at the moment...). We have alternative like Ulule or MyMajorCompany, but the audience is not as wide. That's a shame, i would really like have more models in the game. That's why the DK will be probably shorter, split into several episodes. I keep the hope that if it's successfull, i can get more easily some funds for the next chapter, and then nothing will stop my creativity