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Re: [MOD] Castle Ringfort

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:02 pm
by eLPuSHeR
Yes that was it. Thank you. I was able to spot it while starting from scratch using v1.1

Re: [MOD] Castle Ringfort

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 2:48 pm
by eLPuSHeR
Ok. I am stuck again after visiting level 3 (dungeon)
On level 3 I found a staircase leading up I think, but there was a solid wall there. This is after the "Harak the revenger" place.
On level 2 there is a demon face relief with two eye sockets. One of them has got a quartz crystal inserted. I haven't found the other one.
On level 2 there is a metal closed metal door where some uggardians spawn with a niche containing an arrow and a note saying "flaming one". No idea. Tried to put there a torch, a candle...
This door leads to the staircase to level 3, accesible via east instead of south.
I don't really have a clue about how to proceed on.

Re: [MOD] Castle Ringfort

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:36 pm
Okay. Again I will give a global hint first and a detailed one as a spoiler.

eLPuSHeR wrote:On level 3 I found a staircase
The mechanism to open it, is not far away...
Go downstairs, and seach on the right inside the ivy on the wall.
eLPuSHeR wrote:On level 2 there is a demon face relief with two eye sockets.
Too early to talk about that.
You will find the other quartz gem very late in the game...
eLPuSHeR wrote:On level 2 there is a niche containing an arrow.
What have you found in the alcove? And what could be meant by the words written?
You need an enchanted fire arrow - if you can conjure that.

Re: [MOD] Castle Ringfort

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:39 pm
by eLPuSHeR
Thank you very much for your replies.
My mage is ice specialist, so no fire enchanted arrows for me. I take it it's not necessary to open it. Right?

Re: [MOD] Castle Ringfort

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:12 pm
eLPuSHeR wrote:Thank you very much for your replies.
My mage is ice specialist, so no fire enchanted arrows for me. I take it it's not necessary to open it. Right?
Right 8-)

Re: [MOD] Castle Ringfort

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:29 pm
by eLPuSHeR
OMG I am stuck again. I just made a few steps and got stuck.
- A door saying "hold it tight". Tried several things. No idea.
- A demon relief with a note in its mouth: it reads "prefer venomous". I have a bad feeling about this. I hope YOU WON'T have to cast any earth related spell because as I have said before I have only spent spell points in the ice school of magic.

Re: [MOD] Castle Ringfort

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:39 pm
eLPuSHeR wrote: A door saying "hold it tight".
So you have to hold something tight. Has there been something that you could hold?
A golden statue maybe?
eLPuSHeR wrote:A demon relief with a note in its mouth
Don't get nervous. 8-)
But you have to open the door mentioned above, first.

Re: [MOD] Castle Ringfort

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 11:11 am
by eLPuSHeR
tschrage wrote:
eLPuSHeR wrote: A door saying "hold it tight".
So you have to hold something tight. Has there been something that you could hold?
A golden statue maybe?
Thank you. I was pretty sure I had tried several combinations. It seems I missed the most obvious one. Doh! :mrgreen:

I have given the mouth, one, two, three poignant potions and nothing happened. :?

Re: [MOD] Castle Ringfort 1.2

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:01 pm
Sadly eLPuSHeR found another bug: a script was broken so a door couldn't be opened.

Sigh... I have to upload a version 1.2 ...


Re: [MOD] Castle Ringfort

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:46 pm
by eLPuSHeR
No worries. I will try your suggestion via console.

Best regards.