Slimes + "feed me"

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Re: Slimes + "feed me"

Post by Boolah »

The switch to open up the room is
on the wall to right of the secret doorway.
When you get to the rooms with a bunch of spiders right before the round buckler, two or three walls open up by themselves and let a couple more spiders loose. One of these walls opens up to a 2x2 room (right near the tiny pillar with a torch on the wall opposite of it), you get to the slime room from here. I should really try and use maps to explain this kind of thing....
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Re: Slimes + "feed me"

Post by Drax »

scavenger3 wrote:yes.. i saw that. but i cant find the switch on the wall in 19 to open the door to the C stairs. ive looked all over 19 room.
If you're in the 19 square, it's on the top left square of the...square, facing north
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Re: Slimes + "feed me"

Post by mrmike49 »

ANybody with better suggestions for dealing with the slimes ? I hate how they can shoot thru the gates, but I can't cast a spell thru - not fair! :x
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Re: Slimes + "feed me"

Post by Drax »

mrmike49 wrote:ANybody with better suggestions for dealing with the slimes ? I hate how they can shoot thru the gates, but I can't cast a spell thru - not fair! :x
Lure them slowly out into the corridors, then take advantage of the length of the corridor to get some ranged in before you need to melee. There might be a 2x2 square further back you can take advantage of, can't remember the area well.
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Re: Slimes + "feed me"

Post by seebs »

I never found anything significantly better than using the door to recuperate and prep spells. Pretty slow, and very hard to get one of them to come into that middle corridor. Once the first few were down the rest were a lot easier.
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Re: Slimes + "feed me"

Post by Flashheart »

Just here to say that those slimes are a bitch. As one poster mentioned "they shoot through the bars" - cheating swines. ;)

My rogue is taking some punishment (her 35 evasion skill seems to make zilch difference - it's almost like the green 'goo' is a projectile attack) - it's a well worn path to the blue crystals for her. Used all my bombs - kited to the max! - and there's still two of those green blobs still alive. Damn those blobs. I blame Steve McQueen for getting them all wound up in the first place. :)
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Re: Slimes + "feed me"

Post by \/4n!ll4 ][c3 »

the room is incredibly tough.

the first 2 or 3 that you have to kill are the hardest ones, because you will almost always have a second one behind you somewhere damaging you as well. basically what you have to do though is recognized their movement AI and figure out how to bait them one at a time back to the door you entered the room from, and fight them there. you should have everything about level 3 completed at this point, so when you kill one, run back to the save crystal on level 3, then run back and kill the next one. it takes forever but it is the easiest way to go about it.

they have a preference to follow your movement laterally, so getting to come directly at you is quite tough, and annoying. once you get them into an area that it is easy for them to follow you directly, its much easier to control them. if you move too fast for them though, you might cause them to move in a direction opposite the way you want.
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Re: Slimes + "feed me"

Post by rakenan »

The worst part of the slime maze is that the walls are made of bars rather than real walls - and slimes can attack through barred walls. Thus, you have to be careful or you will be attacked from every direction at once. Fighting them one at a time, they are a bit rough, but beatable. You can partially deal with this by heading a little away from the entry toward the left. If you rush to the spot basically one square left of the entrance, you can get a slime semi-trapped there, out of range of any assistance. It will tend to move back and forth without advancing directly on you, and the entire fight will be out of range from any other slimes. Save before you try it, though - if any slime manages to sneak in behind you it can really ruin your day.

Once you have a small bit of cleared maze to work with, the entire thing is vastly easier. Cleared maze area gives you room to maneuver without getting flank attacked by other slimes.
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Re: Slimes + "feed me"

Post by EvoluZion3 »

I found this area but gave up on it as my party were too weak at the time. I think I disposed of 3 slimes, but the food situation was looking bleak and so I called it a day. Later on I do remember the slimes being quite vulnerable to lightning spells though.
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Re: Slimes + "feed me"

Post by PSY »

Check this post for a map of level 3/4, and you'll know where it is viewtopic.php?f=13&t=919

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