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Re: Editor Tutorials on YouTube
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:00 am
by Skuggasveinn
Sometime stuff is just staring you in the face
If I use setMaxHealth and I use it before I connect the skeleton_commader to the bossfight entity, I have a correct bossfight health bar even if he only has 5 in health.
so setMaxHealth seems to change the base health and not just set the health to a value.
Code: Select all
function startBrothersBossFight()
Re: Editor Tutorials on YouTube
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:28 am
by Mysterious
Hi Skuggs again awesome video thxs, a great help it was

With the set health max how do you add that into the code before the fight?
Re: Editor Tutorials on YouTube
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:39 am
by SnowyOwl47
Mysterious wrote:Hi Skuggs again awesome video thxs, a great help it was

With the set health max how do you add that into the code before the fight?
Use the floor_trigger that triggers the boss and have a script_entity that starts the boss before you make the boss start set the max health.
Re: Editor Tutorials on YouTube
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:15 am
by Mysterious
Hi snowy thxs for that

With your boss start it works and it's cool any idea how to add a item to the boss eg:rock, the note you had works, not sure about other items thxs keep up the good work mate

Re: Editor Tutorials on YouTube
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:01 am
by dancodan
Great work mate!
I have used you tutorial videos to learn how to use the editor.
I was having a hard time at first understanding the changes to the Grimrock 2 editor, but you made everything perfectly clear. Thanks a lot for your effort.
Please keep doing these, every bit helps a ton.
I am currently doing an adventure for my daughter, and I've used everthing you have taught us.
Are you confident with scripting to the point that you can tell us how to do a script that looks for a certain item in a chest or an alcove? For example: If the party puts a skeleton statue in an alcove, that could send a trigger to a counter. If all statues are placed correctly inside the alcoves it triggers a door (as in the main campain idol puzzle)
After reading the Mod Creation section on this forums it seems that scripting is the number one issue. But you made it look simple.
I would love to know more about basic scripting
Keep up the good work.
Re: Editor Tutorials on YouTube
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:33 pm
by Skuggasveinn
dancodan wrote:Great work mate!
Thanks for the kind words.
I will try to make some more complex scripting stuff in the future, but until the scripting reference is released I don't wan't to be guessing or telling people to do something in the incorrect way.
But in the meantime Part 7 is out
In part 7 we create a simple lever puzzle that has 2 combinations, one for each door.
We create an Indiana Jones firetrap where the party removes an Item from an altar in triggers the trap
We explore some creative uses for the Bossfight entity where we use the bossfight health bar as a visual countdown until the firetrap will get sprung, and we watch the whole party burn
Re: Editor Tutorials on YouTube - part 7 is out
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 4:48 pm
by SnowyOwl47
Nice Job, part 7 was cool but I already knew how to do it but you did give me an idea for stuff in my dungeon

Re: Editor Tutorials on YouTube - part 7 is out
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 4:50 pm
by cromcrom
but I already knew how to do it
Sure, but you didn't make a video tut about it.
Anyways, thanks a lot Skuggasveinn.
Re: Editor Tutorials on YouTube - part 7 is out
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 4:52 pm
by petri
Great work Skuggasveinn! Thank you very much for making these videos!
Re: Editor Tutorials on YouTube - part 7 is out
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 4:53 pm
by SnowyOwl47
Can you make a video tutorial on how to have the dungeon editor backup your dungeon

or at least have some kind of autosave

I'm on mac and I just sold my windows right before this game was announced and so I'm using wine and the editor works fine but it crashes often