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Re: Bards Tale & Wizardry reboot?
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 9:26 pm
by Mychaelh
Isaac wrote:[quote="Mychaelh"}...Stone Prophet and Menzoberranzan both have that;]
Shure. Bla.Bla.
If you dont't 'heil' Wiz8, you are not '90s - but only a shity wanna-be.
End of story.
Re: Bards Tale & Wizardry reboot?
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 10:35 pm
by Isaac
Strange , (and strangely caustic) post...
Wizardry 8 was not a 90's game.

Re: Bards Tale & Wizardry reboot?
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:23 pm
by Brodie301
I have wizards and warriors on disk still. You know one of those little silver bottom round things you use to have to put in a drive! Ha ha. At the time I loved that game. Haven't played it for years, don't know if it holds up or not.
Re: Bards Tale & Wizardry reboot?
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 7:43 pm
by Isaac
Brodie301 wrote:I have wizards and warriors on disk still. You know one of those little silver bottom round things you use to have to put in a drive! Ha ha. At the time I loved that game. Haven't played it for years, don't know if it holds up or not.
Keep it away from magnets.
They still make drives for that.

Re: Bards Tale & Wizardry reboot?
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 1:44 pm
by eLPuSHeR
If I recall correctly, the non-tile movement of both Stone Prophet and Menzoberranzan just sucked using the hardware at the time.
Re: Bards Tale & Wizardry reboot?
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:10 pm
by Isaac
eLPuSHeR wrote:If I recall correctly, the non-tile movement of both Stone Prophet and Menzoberranzan just sucked using the hardware at the time.
What's wild about some of the old games is that they were built assuming faster CPUs would come along... I'm not sure if the idea of a co-processor dedicated for graphics was on everyone's radar... But some games did indeed support impossible to use features ~that wouldn't be impossible on a much faster machine.
In an age where most FPS games played @ 320x200, Monolith's Blood included support for 800x600; plays great now though.
Re: Bards Tale & Wizardry reboot?
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:36 am
by DannyAIC
Silversword is a pretty awesome Nod to the bards tale. I know it's avaiable for the ipad, not sure what else. If you have one I'd check it out. Had a boatload of fun with it.
Re: Bards Tale & Wizardry reboot?
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:19 pm
by DNACowboy
Did I mention I still have my Wizardry credit card? Now
that's old skool

Re: Bards Tale & Wizardry reboot?
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 3:45 am
by Sir Tawmis
DNACowboy wrote:Did I mention I still have my Wizardry credit card? Now
that's old skool

Black card with the green dragon, right?
Re: Bards Tale & Wizardry reboot?
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 3:48 am
by Sir Tawmis
DNACowboy wrote:
We've seen the incredible success of Grimrock & Grimrock 2 by Almost Human which refelcts the appetite amongst the gaming community for old-school rpg's, with this in mind I wonder if it is possible for Almost Human to buy the rights to Michael Cranford's Bards Tale and/or the Wizardry series?
Michael Cranford is one of the nicest developers I've ever met; subsequently I believe he'd jump at reviving the Bards Tale series.
I for one would donate to a Bards Tale remake or even a new project in that world and the same for Sir-Tech's Wizardry, how about you? Would you donate cash towards a Bards Tale or Wizardry remake?
... and going back to your original post - I assume you helped fund the Bard's Tale Kickstarter? (I did!)
As for Wizardry, sadly, it's currently in the hands of a Japanese company - who, last I heard, did an MMO thing with it.
It's that whole bit, as to why the rest of the
Wizardry games have not been made available on