What keeps my away from the battlemage right now is the interface.
Battlemage would probably use a Wand/Orb in one hand and a weapon in the other.
So he would alternate between spellcasting and attacking regularly.
In that regard there should be an option for autoclosing the casting window after the spell is cast. Aiming for the X in the heat of battle is pretty bothersome.
Any reason to choose wizard over battlemage?
Re: Any reason to choose wizard over battlemage?
Hello everyoneBalcombe wrote:Hi all.
So - is there any reason to choose the wizard class over the battlemage class (no matter the party position)?

I use a Mino Wizard in the rear. He is quite fat and usually the last one who dies. He has around 150 hp and 250 energy. He is really one fat battery and can cast continuously during longer stand-offs, as well as survive dynamic fights thanks to high vita. He cant rely on evasion but a quick Shield spell with basic gear takes him to around 40 protection.
If I were to pick Battlemage however, I'd definitely put him in the front carrying a shield and orb/staff. For race I believe there are 3 choices - unless you want to run out of energy.
Insectoid provides plenty of willpower, and can net +15 protection from traits. Add armor. Now add the orb/staff Battlemage bonus (resists + armor). You get a really tanky bastard that can cast spells from the front row

Other options is Lizardman. Take the trait which gives resistances. Add the orb/staff bonus to resists. Furthermore I reckon you'll get at least one good shield with resists. You can still get protection from Armor , except that you'll be pretty much immune to elements..
Third option for Battlemage I believe is Human. Starts off weak, but the insane progression is a winner with a hybrid class like this. In time you'd have a wider array of spells with this, much closer to a real Mage/Wizard. Think Skilled and Fast Learner.
I wanted a Battlemage in my party, but eventually decided differently

Bye !
RPG veteran