[ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Mysterious »

I would also like to add a room if possible. Please let us know who is in thank you :) This will be awesome fun :)
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by aaneton »

I never created my original idea I had for ORRR2 (no, I'm not going to spoil it here), even if I did two rooms for ORRR2. It has been bothering me since, so count me in! I would like to have a garden with a dungeon below, thank you :D
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Mysterious »

Hey guys. So I think John Wordsworthy would be the perfect team leader on this project. He may be to busy, but he has the know how to do it. He can do this if he wishes and would be a great asset if choses to do so. I hope you will consider doing it John :)
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by darkwuulf »

Two things. I would like to claim one of the indoor rooms should there still be one available.

Second, the idea of the unwanted things. I know we're very early in knowledge of what we can and cannot do with the editor but my suggestion would be to start the party with their armor/neclace/bracer slots filled with items that are locked on and each room they complete allows them to remove one of the locked items so they can wear more powerful equipment they've looted through the dungeon to prepare for the final fight.
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by The cube »

I'd love to participate, if i am not too late to get a room.

One word though, I'd like it if there was some 9x9x3 type rooms with the top level being outside. They offer more creativity by having both an outside and dungeon theme in one "Room".
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by THOM »

Well, I enjoyed a lot in ORRR2 that there was a central hub, which make visible, how far you were in progress. It also gave the whole thing an impressive atmosphere and connected all the rooms perfect.

I would recommend something like that for ORRR3, too. Maybe an outside area. Lets say a lake with some woods here and there. In the beginning there are just some passages that you have access to, but during progress, you can walk around the whole lake. Around this lake are many - lets say "pavilions". Every designer of a room can choose, if his pavilion is over- or underground.
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Lmaoboat »

I'd like to chip in. I think I did a room for the first one, but I forget if I finished it.
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Asteroth »

The cube wrote:I'd love to participate, if i am not too late to get a room.

One word though, I'd like it if there was some 9x9x3 type rooms with the top level being outside. They offer more creativity by having both an outside and dungeon theme in one "Room".

Can't be too late. The whole project hasn't even started yet (or close to starting even).

Since so many have said similar things, I think I will clarify even though I'm not on this.




P.S. good suggestion about getting to do both an above and below ground bit. Those can mesh together well for a single puzzle.
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Haha - Very true Asteroth. At the moment, this is just a discussion about what the ORRR3 might look like assuming it goes ahead - so, everyone can naturally have a room but there's no need to "claim" one yet! With that said - it is great to see that there's a lot of interest in taking part and the positive feedback makes it much more likely to happen!

Going through the previous posts and picking out discussion points...
  • @Darkwulf: Re: Starting with Cursed Equipment (as a plot). That's a very interesting idea. While we might not be able to "lock" items on to certain members the party, we could start each champion off with one or two items that, if removed, cause you to lose health over time. The main focus of the quest could be to remove these cursed items so that you can be strong enough for the final encounter.
  • @The Cube: Re: Some 9x3x3 room with 1 over-ground and 2-underground levels. Great idea. There could be some areas outside that also have a couple of levels of "underground" below them to allow for pit traps and multi-level puzzles.
  • @Mysterious: Thanks for the kind words! I guess the issue of who should take the project by the horns is a potentially sensitive / contentious topic, so I don't really know how best to handle that at this point.
I've been running through a few ideas of how we could have a nice varied landscape that's not too big (perhaps even set, unofficially, somewhere in the Northern Realms). I hope to put together a draft map next weekend for people to consider whether they like it or not. Other people should also feel free to submit any map outlines (just showing the "room areas") or thoughts too!
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Drakkan »

just idea question - are we really limited to rooms ? I think thanks to map possibilites in LOG2, each modder could even get few whole MAPS, not just few rooms
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