Save scumming is more about the abuse of the save system than just using it. For example, saving before a big fight isn't save scumming by most peoples' definitions. Saving 10 times during that fight on the other hand... that's abuse of a system to circumvent any hint of a challenge. Consider "most" NES games: you get 3 lives to beat the entire game. Developers made checkpoints which allowed manageable chunks of challenge. Then save-anywhere was implemented; "most" people save at the same place developers would put a checkpoint, but we now have the convenience to save & quit if real life happens. Thus, the game still has some challenge to it. But some people like to abuse the save-anywhere system...Grim Reaper wrote:What on earth is "save scumming" ?
Thats a complete new one to me? is it a suggestion its cheating to do saves now?
If so you'd need to be clean off your head to sit through a hard game like this in one go, or pretty damn dedicated.
Some people like me.