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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:52 pm
by flatline
This is the way to do stuff!
Where is Skuggasvein and Grimwold? They probably have a few ideas worth considering.
My 3 things off the top of my head:
TRAITS. We want to edit the traits. champ:getTrait() and so forth.
Also, editing the skill descriptions, so that they show added spells. "Earth Magic level 50:new spell" and such.
My wish was for some kind of "fake target"/way of getting monsters attracted to other things than the party. Spawning a fake party entity the monsters move towards, or making them attack eachother, or just distracting them with a thrown rock when invisible. Anything in that fashion would be very useful for emergent gameplay, but I understand it is way out of what we're discussing here, so I'll say letting us add the trait thing!
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:55 pm
by Brodie301
Sorry didn't read previous page
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:57 pm
by petri
geeeesh, my old ide used to do Quick Open File when I pressed ctrl-q, now I'm on Mac and Command-Q quits the ide and I'm hitting it ALL the time when I want to open a new file!
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:58 pm
by petri
Traits. Hmm...
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:02 pm
by Zyx
You're fast!
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:12 pm
by JohnWordsworth
- Quick one that would be SUPER useful as it would make the timings of scripts irrelevant: elapsedGameTime(): Returns the number of seconds of gameplay since the game started (then if a timer is only ticking every 30 frames, it doesn't matter - as we can use dt).
- Add 'crafts item category' and 'category' to recipes, so I could make a "Scroll Maker Kit" say which can only make items using recipe's with category=scroll.
- An object moveTo(x,y,facing,level) to move objects/the party without having to go through and make a temporary teleporter etc.
Of course, traits would be awesome - but I don't know how you would handle exporting that party into another mod. If you were to lock a party to a mod (or a series of mods with those traits say) then I can think of loads of things you can do. This is beyond my 3, but custom conditions (like paralyzed, poisoned etc) would be awesome... defineCondition { name="giantStrength", onStart=function(champion, duration), onEnd=function(champion, duration) }. However, this would probably require splitting the underlying original strength values from the current strength values for instance (so you can inherantly turn off a condition). Blah, I'm trying to type this fast to fit it in - I'll let you worry about how hard it would be to do

Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:15 pm
by flatline
JohnWordsworth wrote:- Quick one that would be SUPER useful as it would make the timings of scripts irrelevant: elapsedGameTime(): Returns the number of seconds of gameplay since the game started (then if a timer is only ticking every 30 frames, it doesn't matter - as we can use dt).
Yes, for the love of cheese, this. Any way of adding a wait function or similar effect without having to spawn a wait timer would be awesome in so many ways.
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:15 pm
by petri
OK. Added the following functions: Champion:addTrait(trait, silently), Champion:removeTrait(trait) and Champion:hasTrait(trait). If silently is true, there is no hud print.
I'm sure there are some corner cases that won't work though but I'll leave it for you to figure them out
EDIT: these functions only support built-in traits, custom traits are a lot more work.
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:18 pm
by flatline
petri wrote:OK. Added the following functions: Champion:addTrait(trait, silently), Champion:removeTrait(trait) and Champion:hasTrait(trait). If silently is true, there is no hud print.
I'm sure there are some corner cases that won't work though but I'll leave it for you to figure them out
EDIT: these functions only support built-in traits, custom traits are a lot more work.
As long as I can have 4 guys with Thunderstruck, I'm happy.

Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:24 pm
by petri
flatline wrote:JohnWordsworth wrote:- Quick one that would be SUPER useful as it would make the timings of scripts irrelevant: elapsedGameTime(): Returns the number of seconds of gameplay since the game started (then if a timer is only ticking every 30 frames, it doesn't matter - as we can use dt).
Yes, for the love of cheese, this. Any way of adding a wait function or similar effect without having to spawn a wait timer would be awesome in so many ways.
Sure, why not! Added getStatistic(statName).
Possible values for statName are: "play_time", "monsters_killed", "items_found", "secrets_found", "treasures_found", "toorum_notes_found", "skulls_found", "grimrock_doors_opened", "tiles_moved", "pit_falls", "melee_attacks", "ranged_attacks", "unarmed_attacks", "rocks_thrown", "spells_cast", "potions_mixed"
So getStatistic("play_time") returns elapsed play time in seconds.