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Re: monsters
Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:56 pm
by Leki
Re: monsters
Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:22 pm
by odinsballs
yes that forest ogre looks friggin sweet (and would do well in the exteriors i'm working on) onwards with the good work a.h.

and also ...great work on the skeleton, leki you'r realy getting the hang of this whole custom anim/monster thing, thumbs up and manny thanks for your efforts keep up the good work.

Re: monsters
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:04 am
by Leki
Well, I still have a lot of visual problems with barbarian. He loses bodyparts, but I believe that I can solve it. But I am afraid that I must remade him from the begining, including new skin
But - good news is, that I improved my animation skills and he si walking now smoothly and imho it looks very good. I like how he fits into scene, so hope you too:
Re: monsters
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:20 am
by odinsballs
Leki wrote:Well, I still have a lot of visual problems with barbarian. He loses bodyparts, but I believe that I can solve it. But I am afraid that I must remade him from the begining, including new skin
But - good news is, that I improved my animation skills and he si walking now smoothly and imho it looks very good. I like how he fits into scene, so hope you too:
well that looks like it is shaping up nicely, (no missing parts in that shot) looks like winterfell still has some life folks after all

Re: monsters
Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:35 pm
by Drakkan
Hello Leki, there is bug in skeleton with sword - small_shield is not defined by default and when you killed the skeleton game crashes.
[string "Arch.lua"]:0: undefined object: small_shield
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
[string "Arch.lua"]: in function 'findArch'
[string "Arch.lua"]: in function 'spawn'
[string "Monster.lua"]: in function 'die'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'keyPressed'
[string "DungeonEditor.lua"]: in function 'preview'
[string "DungeonEditor.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
OS Version 6.1
its in this row of skeleton.lua. I already defined my own rusty sword and shield to be looted but I think you can go with standard longsword and round_shield of course
lootDrop = { 60, "rusty_sword", 60, "rusty_round_shield" },
name = "rusty_sword",
baseObject = "long_sword",
uiName = "Rusty Longsword",
requiredLevel = 3,
description = "Old and worn, but still could do some damage.",
attackPower = 10,
weight = 3.5,
name = "rusty_round_shield",
baseObject = "round_shield",
uiName = "Rusty Small Shield",
Evasion = 5,
description = "Old and worn, but still able to deflect some blows.",
weight = 3.8,
Re: monsters
Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:05 pm
by Leki
Drakkan wrote:Hello Leki, there is bug in skeleton with sword - small_shield is not defined by default and when you killed the skeleton game crashes.
[string "Arch.lua"]:0: undefined object: small_shield
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
[string "Arch.lua"]: in function 'findArch'
[string "Arch.lua"]: in function 'spawn'
[string "Monster.lua"]: in function 'die'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'keyPressed'
[string "DungeonEditor.lua"]: in function 'preview'
[string "DungeonEditor.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
OS Version 6.1
its in this row of skeleton.lua. I already defined my own rusty sword and shield to be looted but I think you can go with standard longsword and round_shield of course
lootDrop = { 60, "rusty_sword", 60, "rusty_round_shield" },
name = "rusty_sword",
baseObject = "long_sword",
uiName = "Rusty Longsword",
requiredLevel = 3,
description = "Old and worn, but still could do some damage.",
attackPower = 10,
weight = 3.5,
name = "rusty_round_shield",
baseObject = "round_shield",
uiName = "Rusty Small Shield",
Evasion = 5,
description = "Old and worn, but still able to deflect some blows.",
weight = 3.8,
Thank you Drakkan - my mistake, I tested right version, but I packed and uploadet wrong file
there is standard item "round_shield" in game - but in skeleton script I added name of the model - "small_shield"... you can download new version from nexus, or simple change "small_shield" to "round_shield" in monster definition:
lootDrop = { 100, "long_sword", 100, "round_shield" },
Here you can see why I did mistake:
name = "round_shield",
class = "Item",
uiName = "Round Shield",
model = "assets/models/items/small_shield.fbx",
gfxIndex = 55,
evasion = 7,
weight = 3.5,
shield = true,
Re: monsters
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:24 am
by Leki
Well, after 3 days of hard work, I still have nothing. I remade whole barbarian, new animation is worst than the old one, but this is not a problem. I am really fcuked off with that "vanishing special super cool feature".
I have no idea how to solve this problem

I created 100% keys, created monster as single mesh, created one texture for monster... I made 5 different models and reskined each new model and it was terrible experience, to do the same ship 5 times...
I spent an hours with slugomork which is doing the same ship, if you do free look, but beacause he is probably bigger than human, so he is vanishing only from time to time and in the game you usually cannot see this problem. Terrible think is that I cannot do the same ship with asset monsters but I have no idea where difference is. Maybe there are hardcoded and engine draw them whole time and custom monsters are cutted if pivot is out of the viewport?
I need some rest... I am pis*ed over the top the limit - If anyone can solve this problem, please let me see
I got an idea to create small mesh parts aroun the monster, invisible in game, but catched in the viewport - but I don't like this solution...
No, it does not work.
Re: monsters
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 1:41 am
by odinsballs
Leki wrote:Well, after 3 days of hard work, I still have nothing. I remade whole barbarian, new animation is worst than the old one, but this is not a problem. I am really fcuked off with that "vanishing special super cool feature".
I have no idea how to solve this problem

I created 100% keys, created monster as single mesh, created one texture for monster... I made 5 different models and reskined each new model and it was terrible experience, to do the same ship 5 times...
I spent an hours with slugomork which is doing the same ship, if you do free look, but beacause he is probably bigger than human, so he is vanishing only from time to time and in the game you usually cannot see this problem. Terrible think is that I cannot do the same ship with asset monsters but I have no idea where difference is. Maybe there are hardcoded and engine draw them whole time and custom monsters are cutted if pivot is out of the viewport?
I need some rest... I am pis*ed over the top the limit - If anyone can solve this problem, please let me see
I got an idea to create small mesh parts aroun the monster, invisible in game, but catched in the viewport - but I don't like this solution...
No, it does not work.
first of leki you already gave us two new creatures in a few days time, i'd say youve deserved a little time out. you should not overdo yourself on this matter, ( this kind of thing can be very excruciating). sit back and relax for a while the solution will come to you, i think that the problem might be that the person who extracted this model from skyrim messed up bad (in the sence of he/she should have extracted all nif nodes belonging to model and packing /exporting them accordingly to correct formats with nifscope) wich has a dae format export function (i dont know if that format is used by log though) but anyhoo take some time to relax and regain (mental) stamina ,its not worth a burnout and you already have done a lot
edit: i think the error in model actually comes from dae format it was presented in i noticed that other models from this uploader are in obj. rather than dae. so something fishy with that.....?

Re: monsters
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:07 am
by Leki
I am not sure that problem is in source - i remade whole mesh.
The same think happend to different models - see skeleton round shield bug: Barbarian loses his body and weapons are ok - it's opposite to the skeleton. I "solved" skeleton bug whan I attached weapons to single mesh (there was sword and shield before). There must be something with animation keys I guess...
Re: monsters
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:36 pm
by odinsballs
i took alook at skeleton video and i'd almost wager its a fifty/fifty error of some kind of mesh flaw combined with clipping issues (same as the black bar sliding through ones image when using skybox and looking up in a certain shear angle through a tunnel opening with no doorframe placed) this looks more like a clipping error actually since it only happens on certain angles (and faulty mesh /node setting normally cause mesh to "explode" rather than disapear. i myself am taking a look at the dovakin warrior model just to explore the layout of these models (i dont know shite about 3d moddeling.but i'm trying to learn a bit or two) the main thing
is to do it in steps to prevent nervous breakdown (i just had to rebuild my exterior test level for the tenth time, after screwing up again) so i can somewhat see the point where it all becomes frustrating. maybe wallasaurus might know why that particular mesh thing keeps happening