[MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by wagtunes »

Komag wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:26 pm Is there no alcove or altar to put them on?
Okay, mystery solved. It is definitely a bug. I watched this video.

In short, you put your weapon into the demon mouth and then pull it out. Problem is, it doesn't work with a hammer and I don't have a sword, which is what's used in the video. The code should allow for any weapon and not just specific weapons. I'm going to have to start the dungeon over and make sure I pick up a sword along the way.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by wagtunes »

Restarted the game and have now gotten past that point. Having problems with the gems but will try a few more things before coming for help. Am at the point where I'm trapped in the room.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by wagtunes »

Okay, I am at the library puzzle. I read the whole spoiler and placed each scroll exactly where it's supposed to go and nothing happens. This has got to be a bug unless I don't know what NE is. I assume that's top left hand corner of the room.

Anyway, totally stuck. What do I do?
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Isaac »

I don't remember the details about ORRR1, but the directions, assuming up == North:

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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by wagtunes »

Isaac wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 6:05 pm I don't remember the details about ORRR1, but the directions, assuming up == North:

Code: Select all


W		E

Yes, that's what I figured and I followed the spoiler exactly and nothing happens. Is there something else you're supposed to do aside from place the scrolls?
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Isaac »

wagtunes wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:47 pm I don't know what NE is. I assume that's top left hand corner of the room.
I assume that the North East corner is the one on the top right.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by wagtunes »

Isaac wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 6:49 pm
wagtunes wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:47 pm I don't know what NE is. I assume that's top left hand corner of the room.
I assume that the North East corner is the one on the top right.
Sorry, that's what I meant. As I said, I checked the detailed spoiler and placed the scrolls exactly where they're supposed to go and nothing happens. Is there something I'm supposed to do after replacing the scrolls?
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by wagtunes »

Okay, I hacked the console to get past the library because the door doesn't open. This happened with the rework of Master Quest where you take the key from the alcove and the doors are supposed to happen but they don't. So it's definitely a bug.

Anyway, I have reached the end of the line due to persistent software error in the room Grimforge. After killing the golem, it spawns another one. After a short time, the game freezes and the console displays invalid spawn location for the creature and a white box pops up with a software error. The first time I was in the little cubby hole where the gem and crown are when it happened. I figured maybe if I draw him out and not go there the game won't crash. So I drew him out to the middle of the room but again, after killing the first golem, the second one appears, with me nowhere near the spawn location but the game still freezes.

Needless to say, very disappointing after getting this far. Somebody should really look into this problem as I am sure it has happened to others.

** EDIT ** I scoured this thread and found out how to bypass the error. Moving on.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by wagtunes »

I'm at the end. How many pies do you need to eat to win? I am terrible at arcade games like this and so far can't get past 5 pies. If it's some insane number I may just quit here.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by wagtunes »

Well, I've managed to finish this with one console hack which I'll explain shortly.

My thoughts on this mod, not that my opinion matters at all.

I took into consideration that this was the first One Room mod (ORR 2 is my all time favorite bar none) and so I didn't expect it to be as good as the 2nd one.

Having said that, here are the good and bad.

Good - Visually, some stunning work. Programming wise, some really cool stuff. On that level, it blows away the vanilla base game and most mods you'll find. Hats off to the graphic designers. Seriously. You guys are so talented.

Not So Good - Honestly, it's too short. I finished in a little over 4 hours and that was with a great deal of difficulty with some of the rooms. As I play this through several times (I'm sure I will again some day) it will probably get closer to 2 to 3 hours. ORR 2 takes me 6 hours to play through and that's knowing it like the back of my hand now.

The Really Annoying Stuff - As with the remake of Master Quest, this mod has a really annoying bug. It is quite possible my OS or something in my system but it happens with MQ as well. In the one room in MQ, where you have to take the key out of the alcove to raise the walls so that you can continue, the walls don't raise. I know they're supposed to because the very first time I played this mod, it worked. Now, it doesn't anymore. So I have to hack the console to raise the walls. Well, the same thing happens in this mod in the library. I read the in depth spoiler and placed the scrolls exactly where they're supposed to go. There is no question there. However, the gate that's supposed to open doesn't open and I can't continue. So I had to hack the console again as with MQ. I don't know what causes this but it is a quirk with this game that I have now run into with two different mods.

Finally, the last room. What can I say. I hate arcade games and this was just no fun at all. While ORR 2's last room on a 1 to 10 scale is a 50, this room, for me anyway, was a total fail. I find nothing fun about moving a snake. But to each his own.

One Last Thing - The room where you have to place the sword into the demon head in order to open the gate in front of you isn't good design. If you don't have a sword with you, you're stuck. The gate behind you closes and there's not way to go back and get the sword. No game should force you to start over if you make a mistake. Of course, again, this is my opinion. A better solution would be to not lock the gate behind or, if the party has no weapon or the wrong weapon to automatically open the gate in front. Anything but the way it works now. Fortunately, it's close enough to the beginning of the game so that starting over isn't the end of the world. But still. It's not the best game design.

One More Last Thing - For whatever it's worth, I didn't get the same enjoyment out of this mod that I did out of ORR 2. It was more frustration than adventure. The clues for ORR 2 were much better presented. I never felt like I was totally stuck and ready to quit, not even with the Foundry, which, by the way, may be my favorite room of all time. ORR 2 I looked forward to every room. ORR 1, not so much. It was more like, let's just get through this.

On a 1-10 scale I give it a 6.5. That's mostly for the custom graphic work which was nothing short of amazing.

For those reading this who want to play some other great mods, here are my personal favorites in order from most to least favorite, but all of which I love.

The One Room Round Robin 2
Bloodwych (The Rise Of Zendik)
Back into the Dungeon
Master Quest

After some time, I will play this one again and see if I have a different perspective the next time though I know I will never enjoy that last room.

"Snakes! I hate snakes" - Indiana Jones
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