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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:45 am
Help level 5

How to: The Hungry ones are caged? i´m sutck here


Now stuck in hungry pits v1,4

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:33 am
by offenbacher
Just came here to say,that this Mod is great. MUst admit that i am struggling quite a bit to solve the puzzles but am enjoying very much that because there are people like u investing time to develop such a mod and sharing it with us, i can continue to play LoG after having finished it recently.

Will now proceed to next level, thanks again!

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 10:09 am
by Callipygous
Running into my first "wall" on level 4. I'm on the last part of the testament: the area with a room for each element. The hint for the area is "There are no clues for this one. A true mage can handle it himself."

I've read the couple posts earlier in this thread with regards to this area and it seems like I am doing exactly what I thought I should be doing.
My expectation: damaging the wall target in each room with that room's respective element type results in the opening of a secret.

In each of the rooms, there is one wall with a target. Seems pretty straight forward to me: hit each target with that room's element type. In my case, I've been using potions. I have tried substituting the one charge of poison bolt scroll instead of the poison bomb and using my mage's frostbolt instead of an ice bomb. I've tried hitting the targets before I unlock the teleporter for each room. I've tried hitting the targets after unlocking the teleporter in each room. I've tried clearing the rooms in different orders. The results are all the same: nothing.

After discovering the first three secrets, relatively easily, and seeing how worthwhile each one of them were, I hate to bypass this one. Also, I hate to bypass it because it seems so freaking obvious.

The only option I have yet to try, which I'll try tomorrow evening, is to go back to the mage's library and grab the other three scrolls for the other three bolt type element spells and try using only the scrolls.
Thanks in advance for any/all help.


Solution Update:
Turns out I had to use the scrolls that are found on Level 3 in the Arcane Library. Using bombs did NOT work for me.
With regards to the secrets in the testament:
All of the secrets in the testament were worth finding BUT the last secret, the one I struggled with because of those dammed scrolls, was VERY VERY VERY worth it. I cannot emphasize enough how nice this particular secret turned out to be. Its the equivalent of ~8 normal secrets. Its HUGE!

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 9:46 am
by Callipygous
Hard mode with fresh party: minotaur fighter(14), human fighter(14), human rogue(14), insectoid ice mage(14)
15.5 hrs
41/44 Secrets : missed one on the first 3 levels, missed one on lvl7, missed one on lvl9.
14 Skulls found
3/3 treasures

Remaining in inventory at end: gold key, gear key.

By far the most challenging dungeon I have played yet. The combat was brutal at times, and I mean absolutely brutal. Some of the puzzles were challenging but I was able to deduce all of them except for the mage's invite.
Didn't realize you could right click on it.
Not eating while exploring is a must. I only ate before fights.
Potions for the harder fights are a must in my opinion. There are so many ingredients available you'd be crazy to not regularly use potions when a fight is difficult.
Incredibly well designed puzzles.
Incredibly well designed levels.

As others have noted in this thread and elsewhere this is a professional grade mod. I'm blown away that this is player made. Truly an exceptional piece of work.

Also, as has already been mentioned, the combat is very challenging at times. If you don't enjoy rough fights import a developed party and play on easy mode.

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:01 am
by Banaora
This really is a great mod. I enjoyed playing it a lot. Played on normal with a new party and it took me about 13 hours to finish with 43/44 secrets.

I am missing the last secret on level 9 and have no idea where it is.
The three secrets I found on level 9:
- Remote Room accessible with secret button near teleporter
- Illusionary bookshelf in library with teleporter to secret room behind it
- Pressure plate in front of altar room opening a secret wall nearby
If someone found the last secret please share :D

For anyone interested in the two secrets on level 7:
- Put the correct items in the 6 alcoves - there are 3 times 2 alcoves in different corridors. If two alcoves in one corridor have the correct item a wall opens with a key behind it. All three keys open secret number one.
- You can activate a teleporter with a secret button behind a gobelin in the I think overseer chamber. Pretty straight forward from there so I won't spoil more :)

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:15 pm
by Adrageron
Thanx for feedback, guys! I'm glad that you like to explore my humble dungeon :)

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:23 am
by Callipygous
Banaora wrote: For anyone interested in the two secrets on level 7:
- Put the correct items in the 6 alcoves - there are 3 times 2 alcoves in different corridors. If two alcoves in one corridor have the correct item a wall opens with a key behind it. All three keys open secret number one.
- You can activate a teleporter with a secret button behind a gobelin in the I think overseer chamber. Pretty straight forward from there so I won't spoil more :)
Thanks for the reminder on that button. I'd forgotten that I had never found a use for it.

42/44 secrets
15 Skulls
1 gold key left over

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 5:17 pm
by bacchus1974
i am blocked level 6 with the riddle "the call me..... with lever????


Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:23 pm
by Tristanna
I stuck on level 3:
On Level 3, I'm on the "Main Gate" and I don't know what I have to do in the "Great Hall" ?

On Level 1, I can't open a wood door (on the West bottom of the Map) I have not more Key.
On Level 2, I don't know what to do in the great room with the altar in the middle (Bottom of the Map)


Thanks for answers.


Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:22 am
by edemskicz
Tristanna wrote:I stuck on level 3:
On Level 3, I'm on the "Main Gate" and I don't know what I have to do in the "Great Hall" ?

On Level 1, I can't open a wood door (on the West bottom of the Map) I have not more Key.
On Level 2, I don't know what to do in the great room with the altar in the middle (Bottom of the Map)


Thanks for answers.

Hi :-)
In the room where you have to put into place four torches to open the grate in the south (as you arrow). Behind her in the corridor to the east is six heads. Everyone has a desire for its fulfillment will give you the key. Some answers are behind a locked door in the hall.
Perhaps it helps