* Pit targets. An optionally alternate (X,Y,lvl) for where the party falls into the next floor; (which could be the same floor).
*Portcullis option to not stop projectiles / or (if that's not possible) a way to use ShootProjectile() and (aside from setting it to ignore portcullis doors) have it fire offset (like thrown weapons) and return XP to the champion that used the weapon >> that called ShootProjectile().
* A hook of the Party that gets called when the party attempts to move; such that the function knows the attempted direction. It should get called even if they walk into a wall and cannot proceed.
** Edit: (one too many)

I'd like it if the standard locks all had the option for an additional "Opened By" object ~preferably with an 'onUseItem()' hook like the Alcoves have. This would greatly simplify the hoops one has to jump though to have functional lock picks.
Looks like I came late to the party.petri wrote:Folks! I'm out of beer and the missus just arrived, so our time tonight is unfortunately up!This was fun, we have to do this again!

Next time then. The changes made look really cool.
I'm surprised nobody asked for a script function to assign the hard-coded Uggardian flame effect to a cloned monster.
Something like assignFlameEffect("MyMonster_01"), or an added property like flameEffect = true.