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Re: monsters

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:10 pm
by odinsballs
i'm stil betting on an engine related clipping problem ( its so very strange that this only happens on screen sides) since the model had no textures on it in the video its not the whole doublesided true\false bit in material definition, same thing in editor it looks fine even when shifted/looked upon from every devisable angle not the same glitch as in video(i tested static ingame and walked around from every angle and looked at it and no glitches ) . :? very odd.
oh yeah p.s. what is the whole depth bias thingy good for (i only know it has sumptin to do with visibility but otherwise....)

Re: monsters

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:24 am
by akroma222
This is very exciting stuff folks, thank you so much for taking the time and effort ;)
*watches thread like a hawk*

Re: monsters

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:10 pm
by flatline
I'd like to point out similar issues with with particle effects and other entities as well. When I created a starry night sky with a moon and stars, they will "pop in and out of view" when I turn the view. No amount of tweaking and editing could remove the issue. From certain angles things simply disappear from view, as if some invisible structure was blocking them.

Re: monsters

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:15 pm
by odinsballs
flatline wrote:I'd like to point out similar issues with with particle effects and other entities as well. When I created a starry night sky with a moon and stars, they will "pop in and out of view" when I turn the view. No amount of tweaking and editing could remove the issue. From certain angles things simply disappear from view, as if some invisible structure was blocking them.
yup especially in larger rooms with skyboxes and lots of open space (probably more viewing space than what engine was build for)
i did however notice that some black corners/invisibility glitches tend to become less prominent if a (large) room has enough props in em (i.e black bar apearing in skybox when looking through a tunnel opening in an upward shear angle will disapear/ become less visible if you stick some trees or other pillar in the right manner to partially obscure problematic screen areas/angles, i gues the main point would be that there's some (visual) incompatabilities between the whole movement in grids/360 degree free look thingy.
maybe the devs from a.h. should take a look at these clipping/graphic glitches and tweek the viewpoints/ camera settings a wee bit better, yeah because like flatline mentioned its not only models and custom stuff (eeesh here be bugs :shock: )

Re: monsters

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:55 pm
by SpiderFighter
odinsballs wrote:these are links to some ingame shots of static prop over on nexus
Are there any animators out there who are working on this guy? I have rewritten my whole mod to have this guy as the final boss (he even has his own backstory and script!). Pretty stupid to put all my eggs in one basket, I know, but I realized that the problem with my mod (and the reason why it's not yet been released) is that it had no clear focus. This guy has inspired some really crazy things in it now. :)

Re: monsters

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 4:06 pm
by odinsballs
SpiderFighter wrote:
odinsballs wrote:these are links to some ingame shots of static prop over on nexus
Are there any animators out there who are working on this guy? I have rewritten my whole mod to have this guy as the final boss (he even has his own backstory and script!). Pretty stupid to put all my eggs in one basket, I know, but I realized that the problem with my mod (and the reason why it's not yet been released) is that it had no clear focus. This guy has inspired some really crazy things in it now. :)
yup actually leki got the big guy animated and working ingame leki uploade him on nexus here's the download link over on nexus's alive! , this ones gonna be in quite some mods i wager, 8-)

Re: monsters

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 4:09 pm
by SpiderFighter
odinsballs wrote:yup actually leki got the big guy animated and working ingame leki uploade him on nexus here's the download link over on nexus's alive!
:shock: :D
Wow!!! That's terrific news! Thanks so much.

Re: monsters

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 4:13 pm
by odinsballs
SpiderFighter wrote:
odinsballs wrote:yup actually leki got the big guy animated and working ingame leki uploade him on nexus here's the download link over on nexus's alive!
:shock: :D
Wow!!! That's terrific news! Thanks so much.
you might also want to check out the sword and shield wielding skeleton by leki, that guy has done some realy good work in real short time
heres the nexus link for that too:

Re: monsters

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:11 pm
by Leki
Guys... Hope I got it!

I'm not 100% sure, but I guess that proper pipeline to solve vanishing problem is this:
1) link "monster main mesh" to the "local_srt" node (for example barbarian_mesh -- it's a mesh name in the monster script)
2) if you have another mesh like weapons - link it to the proper node - for example "barbarian_weapons" to the "hand_R" - aka right hand node. This node must be added as a bone in skin modifier of this mesh
3) I don't know, if its important or not - I did a lot of tests - but I recomend to do it: after export animation, import in back - you will got 100% keys for all bones. Then export it again as the same name.

The problem was that in "modding" description is linking only as "optional",
Legend of Grimrock 3D models are little endian binary files which contain a hierarchy of nodes. Each node has a transformation and a parent node (except the root node which has no parent). Optionally mesh entities and skeletons may be attached to nodes. Mesh entities are further split into segments. Each segment is a renderable triangle list which refers to a material by its name. Materials themselves are defined outside the model file in Lua script.
But it looks that correct linking is crucial to avoid vanish problem....
Or I am completely wrong :roll: However - for now, watch this:
I will try to finish animations etc and after that I will tell you what the result is.

Re: monsters

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:55 pm
by wallasaurus
Leki wrote:
wallasaurus wrote:leki, if you want to share your model I can check it for you in case I can sot any problems.
Thanks for help!
I was busy last evening, so I had no time to work on it.
Here is the WIP file. It's one of several versions I have. It's saved as Max 10 and model is not polished - unwelded vertices, very simple walk animation and only basic skin etc.
You can also download source model: ... 4-1-0-4919
My point was to use this model to try to do human walk and fight animations - 2nd stage is to vreate my own model (based on this one).
ok I'm taking a look.

<edit> I think I have reproduced the problem, gonna try to figure it out.

<edit> I combined the man and weapons into a single mesh and it seems fine. I'm gonna look into how multiple meshes get their bounds figured out in case there is some wierd bug. Also I better take a look in the example assets in case there are maybe no multiple mesh examples, in which case we must impose some kind of rule (at least in the exporter all meshes would need to be combined)

Give it a try and see if it makes any difference (hint, use skinutilities to store your skin weights before combining!)

<edit> Ok I imported a bunch of random models and they are all one mash. I'm thinking that "there can be only one" (mesh, that is) ;-)

This is a bit of a chunky edit to the exporter, so for the meantime please combine your meshes in 3dsmax. Maybe it's time for v2 of the exporter - I need to optimise a few things anyway....