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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:49 am
by Banaora
Tristanna wrote:I stuck on level 3:
On Level 3, I'm on the "Main Gate" and I don't know what I have to do in the "Great Hall" ?

On Level 1, I can't open a wood door (on the West bottom of the Map) I have not more Key.
On Level 2, I don't know what to do in the great room with the altar in the middle (Bottom of the Map)


Thanks for answers.

Edemskicz already answered the great hall question, I will answer the rest:
If you find an iron key while exploring further do not use it in level 3, use it to open the locked doors in level 1 or 2.
bacchus1974 wrote:i am blocked level 6 with the riddle "the call me..... with lever????


Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:00 am
by macBos

Just finished the MOD and have to comment this: Great stuff buddy! Thanks a lot for such a masterpiece!
I won‘t enumerate here all the superlatives and praise – pretty well had described it Callipygous, I agree with everything he wrote.

Fresh party, default difficulty
Play time: 17h 12m
Sercets: 34/44 - shame on me, although I looked almost every wall (except of some places in Testament level to be fair - I was glad to pass that with all the party members alive, mostly there was no time to search for secrets :) )
Treasures: 3/3
1 Air & Fire mage

My findings:
- I didn’t find any bug or mistake in game progress
- pretty hard difficulty sometimes (I like it)
- great thrilling atmosphere
- really challenging levels
- exciting atmosphere IMO because of lack of the food, I was starving in lower levels (but don’t make this easier in the way of adding some food source, it would ruin the gaming experience; it shouldn’t be a beach walk :twisted: ). I finished the adventure with only 3 ice lizard steaks and 2 Grim caps in the sack :mrgreen:
- challenging was especially golem factory due to monsters re-spawning, invisibility was a must-have spell for me there. I truly enjoyed this level. Actually all levels are fantastic but these are winning: 3, 4, 6 and finally as I wrote – 7
- hardest places: twisted corridors (+ final battle), golem factory level (monsters re-spawning), forbidden halls final battle, and the very final battle (my luck for the shock shield spell)

The big secret next to golems hall – extremely tough to reach it but I was quite disappointed by the reward as Ancient axe because it was worthless for my sword-experienced fighter. All the time I was hoping for staff firing lighting bolts infinitely, shame :)

Remained 1 Gold key and 1 Brass key (there are no missed doors on the map, maybe undiscovered secrets?)

There exists Pain challenge workaround in level 8 – consider making wall falling much quicker, otherwise it can be passed without hitting by the poison missile.
First hungry pits in level 5 – once the pits are closed by the lever, they could be reopened by the lever again (I miss one red gem there under the pits - I know, my fault :) )
Thanks again!

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:17 pm
by Tristanna
I stuck on Level 3:
I did the second sequence with the six levers (as written on the walls in Old Tunnels) and nothing happened ?!
The four Dragons are already in the center hall and the lights can't reach the receivers!

What I have to do to activate this 2nd sequence?
Thanks for help.
This MOD is hard... but great !


Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:31 pm
by edemskicz
Tristanna wrote:I stuck on Level 3:
I did the second sequence (with text on walls on Old Tunnels) with the six levers and nothing happened ?!
The four Dragons are already in the center hall and the lights can't reach the recevers!

What I have to do to activate this 2nd sequence?
Thanks for help.
This MOD is hard... but great !

Hi Tristanna

So I wonder, because I'm too failed :-(
The first sequence of the statue moved and the second one should remove the residue, but how?!?

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:46 pm
by Tristanna
edemskicz wrote:
Tristanna wrote:I stuck on Level 3:
I did the second sequence (with text on walls on Old Tunnels) with the six levers and nothing happened ?!
The four Dragons are already in the center hall and the lights can't reach the recevers!

What I have to do to activate this 2nd sequence?
Thanks for help.
This MOD is hard... but great !

Hi Tristanna

So I wonder, because I'm too failed :-(
The first sequence of the statue moved and the second one should remove the residue, but how?!?
Hi edemskicz, glad to see you again ;)

I begin Level 4 without activate this 2nd sequence, but if someone can help us... :)

See you soon.


Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:39 pm
by Banaora
Maybe the following will help you both:
This is the combination I have in my notes. So when you enter the room with the 6 levers AFAIK the levers on the left should say DDU and the levers on the right UUD. Try it and if it doesn't work switch left/right and/or front/back order.
Good luck

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:14 am
by Tristanna
Banaora wrote:Maybe the following will help you both:
This is the combination I have in my notes. So when you enter the room with the 6 levers AFAIK the levers on the left should say DDU and the levers on the right UUD. Try it and if it doesn't work switch left/right and/or front/back order.
Good luck
Ok, thanks for answer, sorry it's my fault (wrong direction), it's working fine now.
I finished Level 3 and Level 4, I begin now Level 5.


Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:31 am
by edemskicz
Banaora wrote:Maybe the following will help you both:
This is the combination I have in my notes. So when you enter the room with the 6 levers AFAIK the levers on the left should say DDU and the levers on the right UUD. Try it and if it doesn't work switch left/right and/or front/back order.
Good luck
HI Banaora

Of course, this combination can be found in the old tunnels, but does not work. I tried all sorts of combinations :-(

Edit: I have it! :o

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:42 am
by Tristanna
I stuck on Level 5 in front of Pits.

Did you spend these traps? ("Hungry Pits")
Thanks for answer.


Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:40 am
by edemskicz
Tristanna wrote:I stuck on Level 5 in front of Pits.

Did you spend these traps? ("Hungry Pits")
Thanks for answer.

Hi Tristanna
I sent you by email when it's here then write clearer English :-)