Code: Select all
#script_entity_467:21: undefined object: shock_burst
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'spawn'
#script_entity_467:21: in function <#script_entity_467:15>
[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'onMessageReceived'
[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'sendMessageToEntity'
[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'broadcastMessage'
[string "TriggerEvents.lua"]: in function 'fire'
[string "PressurePlate.lua"]: in function 'pressed'
[string "PressurePlate.lua"]: in function 'updateState'
[string "PressurePlate.lua"]: in main chunk
[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'sendMessage'
[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'moveEntity'
[string "Party.lua"]: in function 'setPosition'
[string "Party.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Party.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'updateEntities'
[string "Dungeon.lua"]: in function 'updateLevels'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk

Debug console line to remove the gates' effect, in case anyone else would like to be able to play this level:
Code: Select all
pressure_plate_hidden_909:destroy() pressure_plate_hidden_914:destroy() pressure_plate_hidden_915:destroy() pressure_plate_hidden_917:destroy() shockfieldPlate1:destroy() plateCounter3:decrement()
Edit: Also, casting blink right before being teleported out of the Aetherlands will cause you to be returned there when the blink expires, allowing you to spend as long as you want there...although of course you will never be able to get back...