Drakkan wrote:yes you areBarryBGB wrote:I already figured out that I have to convert the letters to numbers.muppler wrote:SpoilerShowConvert the letters to numbers.... a=1, b=2, c=3 and so on, and it should make senseThat is great however where am I to get all of these items with all this much weight?SpoilerShow1,?,3,5,8=2 dog=4+7+15=26 abcybbcycbcy=1+2+3+25+2+2+3+25+3+2+3+25=96 1,?,5,7,9=3
even adding everything all my players have doesm't even come close to that much weight.
Am I missing something here?you are not supposed to plus together some results. Just insert weight equal to ? in each alcove. for example 1 2 3 ? 5 - you just insert weight of 4. If you need more hints let me know I will send you PM
[MOD] Eye of the Dragon
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
That answers the two ? and the dog=3 but not the 96.
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Just tried several weights until I got to the right number. I still didn't understand why that is the number.
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Excellent job putting this together. I'm really enjoying it.
Now the problem. Stuck in the High Cleric Chamber after killing the two baddies. There is a door which I have no key for, an altar which I have no idea what to place on it (have come across no clues) and no way out (have found no hidden switches).
Now the problem. Stuck in the High Cleric Chamber after killing the two baddies. There is a door which I have no key for, an altar which I have no idea what to place on it (have come across no clues) and no way out (have found no hidden switches).

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Alas Drakkan you have beaten me! My poor newbie characters are getting slaughtered by your nicely modified crowerns in the prison of no rest. I think I might actually have to restart this with slightly better toons! You should have put a warning on your mod about the horrific brutality you were going to inflict on my poor greenhorn adventurers. 

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
lurker wrote:Excellent job putting this together. I'm really enjoying it.
Now the problem. Stuck in the High Cleric Chamber after killing the two baddies. There is a door which I have no key for, an altar which I have no idea what to place on it (have come across no clues) and no way out (have found no hidden switches).Help!
You have to put that golden statue on it one of the priests dropped...
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
yes answer for this one is reallyBarryBGB wrote:Just tried several weights until I got to the right number. I still didn't understand why that is the number.
3 - dog has three letters / or is third in a row in the list.
these two clerics are quite hard, I agree - however there are still much harder fights in the dungeon, so you need practise... you can solve it with one freeze bomb and two haste potions quite easily ... you need kill them, one of them have key to continue. Then you will find item which need to be places od the altair.lurker wrote:Excellent job putting this together. I'm really enjoying it.
Now the problem. Stuck in the High Cleric Chamber after killing the two baddies. There is a door which I have no key for, an altar which I have no idea what to place on it (have come across no clues) and no way out (have found no hidden switches).Help!
hello man. thanks for your comments. some tips - this is first harder part of the dungeon. Make sure you are using any potions you have, it is almost impossible without it. If you have problem with part where are you ambushed (trapped) with crowerns, go to this place as last (search rest of this level and floor below first). Also trust me, this dungeon was tested many times, so it is perfectly do-able with fresh party. I also noted in gametips - - if you are starting Grimorck player or new player to RPG games choose EASY option !Grimfan wrote:By the way, great mod. As I have said before the nicest use of custom assets to date.SpoilerShowAlas Drakkan you have beaten me! My poor newbie characters are getting slaughtered by your nicely modified crowerns in the prison of no rest. I think I might actually have to restart this with slightly better toons! You should have put a warning on your mod about the horrific brutality you were going to inflict on my poor greenhorn adventurers.
- if you are Grimrock fan or "old" hardcore RPG palyer choose NORMAL option : ) Btw small tip, if you do not have played original EOB and you need your characters to rest in these "no rest" levels - all you need to do, is
find statue and place it on purple altair (hidden in secret room) - this is teleporting you to the area where you can rest
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Through a mixture of persistence and dumb luck I managed to get through the area and discover the secret way back. It was definitely the hardest part of the mod so far however. 

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Can anyone help me with the pressure plate puzzle on TU level 4? I can't find a clue to it anywhere.
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
hi, you need burden plates in shape ofJaberwoke wrote:Can anyone help me with the pressure plate puzzle on TU level 4? I can't find a clue to it anywhere.
cross (x)
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Thanks for the fireball tip, was carrying too much stuff.
One more question:
One more question:
I would have thought Silver was 'not as good as gold' but that doesnt work. Another hint?