Isle of the Deranged - Revision 1.1

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Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.0

Post by ene »

Hey, thanks ozthekeymaster, I've taken and old save and followed your instructions and have found the leaver. I suspected indeed something you need to do in this place but for the life of me i coudn't see the leaver (I think I stood about 10 minutes there and shoot arrows everewhere :D i was frustrated) one mystery resolved thanks to you ;)

As for the main beach i encountered the Viper Queen but didn't known it's because of the pressures plates you can access that place.

Appreciated ;)
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Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.0

Post by ian363 »

Hi I can't find the key to get in the aelenialen house of worship. Help please. Thanks Ian

Edit - don't bother I've found the key. thanks ian
Last edited by ian363 on Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.0

Post by coreystinson »

I think it would be a good idea for the author to post the necessary console cheat to get past the portcullis associated with the block puzzle in the Grimwern Woodlands seeing as how it has been stated that there is no plan to fix the bug.

Reason being that this puzzle seems broken in numerous ways and the inability to solve it will block further progress. It is quite easy to accidentally move the blocks into a position where they can no longer be moved. I actually did not find a way to reset the block position/puzzle. Reading other comments in the mod, it appears that their was at one time a lever that reset the puzzle, but that it didn't work right anyway. Maybe it was removed?

As losing hours of progress and or potentially having to restart the game is impractical for anyone with a life, I would discourage anyone from starting this mod until the issue is resolved or a bypass posted.
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Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.0

Post by ozthekeymaster »

Hi coreystinson

I agree it would be nice to find a way past that block bug without starting again. Or that it gets fixed in an update (not going to happen I think)

However...I can't say that I agree that no-one should start the module until it's fixed. Whilst it's an annoying bug you just need to have a save point before it just in case you screw it up. Actually there are a couple of places (not caused by bugs) in the module where you can get irretrievably trapped
Leap of Faith, Wishing Well, One of the 4 pits in the transporter linked area from the Excavation Site...
so saving occasionally isn't a bad plan anyway. Once you know the module you know where the odd bug is and at least it's consistent.

It's a genuinely fantastic module and having run through it a good few times now I'd recommend it to anyone.

In my opinion. Obviously.
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Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.0

Post by ozthekeymaster »

Ok - after a bit of help here folks.

I can complete the module (which, as I've said a few times, is properly excellent.) but there are a few bits I still can't seem to access and it's winding me up!

Cursed Dungeon
How on earth do you open this ****ing gate!!!ImageImage
Caldar's Gauntlet
Seriously - is there any way to access the area behind these gates?! ImageImage
Southern Zhaoze
No clue how to get at what in obviously a book ImageImage
Elemental Plains
Is this area behind the trees actually accessible and if so HOW!?ImageImage
Also, what the heck is this supposed to mean?
Any light that anyone can shed on any of this, much appreciated in advance.

PS Did I say what a great module it is? It is. It REALLY is!
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Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.0

Post by ian363 »

ozthekeymaster wrote:Ok - after a bit of help here folks.

I can complete the module (which, as I've said a few times, is properly excellent.) but there are a few bits I still can't seem to access and it's winding me up!

Cursed Dungeon
How on earth do you open this ****ing gate!!!ImageImage
if I remember right, you need to stick a torch in holder next to it
Caldar's Gauntlet
Seriously - is there any way to access the area behind these gates?! ImageImage
Sorry can't do it either

Southern Zhaoze
No clue how to get at what in obviously a book ImageImage
Sorry can't do it either

Elemental Plains
Is this area behind the trees actually accessible and if so HOW!?ImageImage
Sorry can't do it either

Also, what the heck is this supposed to mean?
The building in the mid west area opens when you have done the earth essences. It is called the adventurers haven (sanctuary). You go down the back of the monster bricked in area to find it.
Any light that anyone can shed on any of this, much appreciated in advance.

PS Did I say what a great module it is? It is. It REALLY is!
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Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.0

Post by ozthekeymaster »

Cursed Dungeon
- wish it was that simple Ian! :D tried that and nothing!
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Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.0

Post by ian363 »

ozthekeymaster wrote:Cursed Dungeon
- wish it was that simple Ian! :D tried that and nothing!
near the start is a sign saying dead end, a scroll says 'my immunity to.... etc'. You place the poignant potion in alcove and spear door opens, take it out and spear door closes.
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Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.0

Post by ozthekeymaster »

ian363 wrote:near the start is a sign saying dead end, a scroll says 'my immunity to.... etc'. You place the poignant potion in alcove and spear door opens, take it out and spear door closes.
:D Phenomenal! Yep that's EXACTLY what opens it!!! Thanks Ian much appreciated!
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Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.0

Post by Nathaniel »

Hi guys! :)
I just can't open this spear door behind which stands the coveted chest. I pressed all the plates in the neighborhood and found the hidden lever but this spear door still remains closed.
Hint, please.
And yet ... I even had to start a new game by throwing the old profile due to this problem. The first time that's down there was no stones, that had to be put on the desired cells. In general, there was not a single stone. This was a bug or something I did wrong?
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