Komag wrote:man I love your preview concepts! I think it might work better to have it work via a held key, such as A or Q, when you hold the Q key there is a zoom window right around the mouse and when you let go it disappears
A or Q to magnify an area around the cursor could work. My assumption was that [whatever magnifier they make], that it probably wouldn't (couldn't?) be interactive ~meaning clickable to select or add objects. I was thinking the movable/place-able frame would allow the (non-clickable) preview to stay put while the user moves the the mouse around on the [small] regular map.
Batty wrote:I have two left mouse thumb buttons, if I click the upper one I get a nice big zoom window (windows feature magnify). Works in editor game also. Go to control panel -> mouse.

Wonders never cease.
I have three mice; one has several buttons, but I usually just use the three button mouse.
That works, but man... using that while moving the mouse will take some getting used to; the cursor stays put and the background moves.
Does this work on Macs?
** If anyone wants a good prank to try... Go into an APPLE store, and find a saleperson, and ask them to show you how to increase the default font size to make the desktop easier for your parents to read. (It's trivial on Windows, but AFAIK it can't be done on OSX; but they usually don't seem to know this.

) Macs just have the magnifier window; if your using Pro-Tools, your out of luck.