just trying to appeal to the base need for dark inspirations, true dark blessings befall him whome bringeth the beast to life
with a plethora of models (free stuf) out there, models like these should be presented in limited amounts , because import 3d conversion is one thing, animation and all stuf assosiated on the other hand is a whole other bit. in good time these will come in the right hands, and become living (if darkness will). until then just 3d statics (to prove model functionality as static)
Well, I'd be surprised if you didn't eventually find someone willing! I'd offer to help, but I know I wouldn't be able to keep that kind of commitment with that many high quality models to be had. Even if ya don't find someone, you could always choose some of them that you think the community absolutely needs and give it a shot yourself. I think you'd find it's not as impossible as you might think! I bet since you've taken the time to learn your application of choice as far as you have that you'll be animating in a week tops
well because i lack anim skills myself, i at least try to prep the static and present my model (suggestions) in an editor/game ready format and on this thread because i don't want to swamp leki's thread with dropbox links and suggestion upon suggestion (i mean take a look at the shear amount of work that guy puts into creatures alone....awesome). i can however wrap some of the monsters i have up in a little static prop pack so you can examine them ingame or in editor 3d and dropbox em...... but that depends if people are interested in static work alone? p.s. "the comunity" will Always find need for custom creatures and characters, one more reason to release models sparsely (people might drive other people totally bonkers with requests.... and that cant be good!...right?).
well - it allways helps if there is polished source mesh and texture.
To say "I need blablabla" is really not enough, because your voice will be only one of many and chance, that someone starts to work to bring your idea to usable asset, is small.
Polytize Me, Cpt.! wrote:Well that's the thing. What exactly is preventing you from having animation skills? You really should at least give it a try.
mmmmh lets see whats preventing me..... well for one have you even seen the pricetag on 3ds max (more horrible then any monster clive barker or king could imagine!) also there would be the issue of not every one having the same skillsets and talents, working on model format conversion for static stuff, retexturing, some minor uv wrapping and prepwork are sadly enough the only things i can bring to the table (wel there's the exterior stuf i released and am expanding but that's nothing to do with monters though) then again as i already mentioned earlier these models are "suggetions" and not requests! this means they can be put out there and then simply wait and see what happens (if i had the talent to animate i wouldn't be posting on threads, nay i'd be buisy doing stuff like some other very decent folks around here. the question might more be whats preventing you ?.... my flaws are laid bare here.
the most problematic thing is time-consuming. For example I spent 20hours+ only with ghoul walk and its still does not ok (I mean 20+ hours of full work - well maybe I am dolt and it can be do in few minutes, but I am not an animator - I just watched one or two videos on youtube ) - it's really difficult, I cannot "hide" ligs with skirt as assetpack skeletons has and that moving on "sticky legs" is very tricky - You can see all misstakes and bone shakes etc... BUt I like to learn new things and after some hard times I leveled up, and it's more and more fun to do it - it next days I hope i will setup some skeletons and will share animatons between models (especially humans) and it will accelerate whole process...
Leki wrote:the most problematic thing is time-consuming. For example I spent 20hours+ only with ghoul walk and its still does not ok (I mean 20+ hours of full work - well maybe I am dolt and it can be do in few minutes, but I am not an animator - I just watched one or two videos on youtube ) - it's really difficult, I cannot "hide" ligs with skirt as assetpack skeletons has and that moving on "sticky legs" is very tricky - You can see all misstakes and bone shakes etc... BUt I like to learn new things and after some hard times i leveled up, and itf more and more funny - it next days I hope i will setup some skeletons and will share animatons between models (especially humans) and it will accelerate whole process...
completely agree with the above, also lets face it you're actually proving to be quite the animator! youre currently taking the record for physical custom monsters if i'm not mistaken, and should you ever need exterior deco props for your projects let me know so i can return some favor for your great work and effort (i can now pluck static stuff from quite some 3d formats ) and combined with niftools i can now recreate Multi part models as they were intended by Original creators ( several parts with multiple textures)
so basically models dont need to be one part constructs anymore (this might be handy for skyrim/oblivion based models/resources)
Polytize Me, Cpt.! wrote:Well that's the thing. What exactly is preventing you from having animation skills? You really should at least give it a try.
mmmmh lets see whats preventing me..... well for one have you even seen the pricetag on 3ds max (more horrible then any monster clive barker or king could imagine!) also there would be the issue of not every one having the same skillsets and talents, working on model format conversion for static stuff, retexturing, some minor uv wrapping and prepwork are sadly enough the only things i can bring to the table (wel there's the exterior stuf i released and am expanding but that's nothing to do with monters though) then again as i already mentioned earlier these models are "suggetions" and not requests! this means they can be put out there and then simply wait and see what happens (if i had the talent to animate i wouldn't be posting on threads, nay i'd be buisy doing stuff like some other very decent folks around here. the question might more be whats preventing you ?.... my flaws are laid bare here.
Nothing's preventing me. I animate my own models. I've imported them into Half-life 2 and UDK. That's why I'm sayin' you can do it too.
And I use 3ds max by the way. I've been using the free student edition for years, so that's no excuse. And skillsets and talents? It's all about practice. Just look at Leki. He got to where he is through practice. You can do it, man!