Heh, ok... My goal is to achieve smth like you see on the pictures. I like Wizardry series and I like steampunk and techno fantasy as well. W40K universe fits into my mood and Rogue Trader settings offers a lot of interesting stuff. Read this or this for more info, or search Rogue Trader W40K on the internet.
i can imagine that the underhives of necromunda -40k spinoff universe- with its redemptionists, mutant skavs, pit slaves and whatnot might fit in well with the kind of hybrid-universe your conceiving, also somehow the shadowrun universe comes to mind. on a sidenote the screenshot of that 40k dreadnought is shear beauty.
Early test of Ultramarine Melee version. He will be armed with 2H Poweraxe or Sword and Bolter - I will see what will fit better into scene...
And yes, I know, it's legend, hahaha
I'm really glad to see you like it...
Here is another try with Chaos Space Marine armed with chaos chainsword and chaos boltpistol. I achieved the result after whole day of hard work, so I hope you will like it as well...