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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:48 pm
by AnnElfwind
Finished it!
The end was a tad bit dissapointning, but overall, I loved this mod. And all the puzzles. And at some point I know I will play it again.
Some of the puzzles were a bit annoying. Like the 3x3 grid puzzle - mainly letter H, which needs a lever to be pulled in the underground cellar. And then the next part of that too, because it requiered you to jump in pits a lot and then go back up and do it again...
Also, the level with the changing walls was really annoing even though the puzzles were not too hard on that level. However, that was the one level that would be impossible without automap. Mainly because it needed you to walk through wals.
I really didn't like the golem factory. Not because it was hard, it wasn't. Not so much. But it was annoying when the monsters kept comming and there was no way of stopping that. In the end I tried to avoid them as much as possible... (Or was there a way to stop the factory from producing more monsters?)
The one thing I didn't like however, was the fact there was no dismanteler. I love taht sword... And whenever I find a mod that doesn't have it, it is a bit disapointning to me...
I did enjoy, however, the new spell sequences. Mainly the fact that the runes for the "bolts" were closer together. On the other hand, the fact that there was no light spell made me a bit angry... I hate playing in the dark. It makes me miss a lot of things...
All in all, the mod was good and I enjoyed it.
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 5:37 pm
by zorglub1422
Hi, i finished your mod.
Imported party, difficullty Normal. (Now i think i perhaps couldnt finish with party starting level 1 but i think i will try one day )
sec 31/44
Treasure 2/3.
No need food, no need cheating, one time looking on forum (3 buttons room, i was blind)
Thanks for your work, really appreciated.
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:48 pm
by AnnElfwind
Okay,I'm on my third playthrough with this mod and I just figured out that there's something going on in the great hall on third floor.
It has to do with the levers in the architect room.
The first sequence works fine and gets a bunch of dragon statues in the room. But the second sequence... I'm lost... No matter how I put the levers nothing seems to work... How do I need to put the levers for this to work? Thanks to anyone who will be able to help me.

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 9:41 pm
by AnnElfwind
...light spell... Didn't think this mod had it...
My reaction at finding it was - literaly - WTF?!
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:43 pm
by AnnElfwind
Okay, so I fugured the architect room secret with the levers... Well, I have to say that seeing as I actually came back from the golem factory and didn't do this before going to the testament level and the pit, most of the stuff inside is now kinda useles... I did enjoy the flask though.
Heh, should have figured this before going down to lower levels...
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 9:58 pm
by offenbacher
AnnElfwind wrote:Okay, so I fugured the architect room secret with the levers... Well, I have to say that seeing as I actually came back from the golem factory and didn't do this before going to the testament level and the pit, most of the stuff inside is now kinda useles... I did enjoy the flask though.
Heh, should have figured this before going down to lower levels...
i never figured it out. can you give a hint?
also i never managed to survive the golem factory and then gave up, could not manage killing the respawning knights and the little food....
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 12:06 pm
by AnnElfwind
offenbacher wrote:AnnElfwind wrote:Okay, so I fugured the architect room secret with the levers... Well, I have to say that seeing as I actually came back from the golem factory and didn't do this before going to the testament level and the pit, most of the stuff inside is now kinda useles... I did enjoy the flask though.
Heh, should have figured this before going down to lower levels...
i never figured it out. can you give a hint?
also i never managed to survive the golem factory and then gave up, could not manage killing the respawning knights and the little food....
Well... Hint... You start the levers from left to right, correct? Well, that's not always the answer...
If you want the full spoiler, let me know.

As for golem factory, it's annoying and I suggest avoiding as many of the monsters as you can. Or, cheat like me and buff up your party in one of the character creation mods first. I even went in with just one character. But that was annoying because he didn't have high enough magic and I had to rely on his blade skills ant that didn't always do enough damage... Well, at least he had enough HP to not really feel any of the attacks. The only thing that really did damage to him was the skeleton archers. Those are nasty little buggers!
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:14 pm
by AnnElfwind
I'm playing this mod again... Surprisingly...
Well, that's because I'm determined to find all the secrets. And to buff up my characters with the "special" potions.

And I hate the testament level! Because I have to play it again, because I'm stupid and left something in the library which I obviously shoudlN't have...
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:03 pm
by AnnElfwind
Does anyone remember where the poison bolt scroll is located?
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:56 pm
by szmind
AnnElfwind wrote:Does anyone remember where the poison bolt scroll is located?
Oh, man - if you are already on/after testament.... as far as I remmember that is somewhere on Lvl 1

Guess it is the first spell scroll found in the mod.