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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:07 am
by AnnElfwind
szmind wrote:AnnElfwind wrote:Does anyone remember where the poison bolt scroll is located?
Oh, man - if you are already on/after testament.... as far as I remmember that is somewhere on Lvl 1

Guess it is the first spell scroll found in the mod.
Well, it doesn't really matter, because I did already collect it, only I threw it away somwhere and then I had to search like an idiot in order to find it again... Turns out I left it in the room with the metal scraps where there are the lightning eruptions.
But going back was SO worth it. Well... Kinda worth it... I mean, elixirs - good, equipment - average... But that's because I'm still a bit miffed that this mod doesn't have the dismanteler...
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:19 pm
by AnnElfwind
Plagued Sanctuary on Twisting corridors level. What do I have to do in order for the grate to open and get the helmet?
Thanks to anyone who knows and will be nice enough to share.

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:32 pm
by szmind
AnnElfwind wrote:Plagued Sanctuary on Twisting corridors level. What do I have to do in order for the grate to open and get the helmet?
Thanks to anyone who knows and will be nice enough to share.

You probably figgured it out already, but just in case here's a hint - how would you help someone 'plagued' (which meams 'diseased')?
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:23 pm
by AnnElfwind
I think I get it now! Thanks for the hint!
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:31 pm
by AnnElfwind
Would have been so much better if it didn't swallow my potion flasks... If the alcoves just accepted the ingredients and I could keep the flask... Seriously, why does it only count as a secret if I open the grate... *goes away grumbling...*
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:10 pm
by szmind
You're right about it. I also opened the grate with my very last two flasks (just luck I had them) and it should not be the case -there should be flasks behind each grate. But, hey, cheer up! You are there to find all secrets - and you did find it, screw the counter. By the way - did you find out if there is any secret around the mysterious receptor in the shooting gallery (just before the Uggardian-room)? And please let me know if you figure out what is the purpose of a writing on last level with some lines stating something like "--**-*". Never found answer for that, but that is for sure a key to some secret.
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:19 pm
by AnnElfwind
That weird writing I never figured out either... As for shooting gallery, what floor is it on? I can't recall...
And as for the flasks, it wasn't really a problem with me not having enough flasks to find the whole valor set, it was more like I wanted to keep them, because I had simply a lot of potion ingredients and I wanted to brew a lot of potions.
I'll post it here, if I actually figure out the thing with the *--** whatever on the last level. So far, I'm on Golem factory with arround 37 secrets and way too much food in my inventory...
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:42 pm
by AnnElfwind
szmind wrote:You're right about it. I also opened the grate with my very last two flasks (just luck I had them) and it should not be the case -there should be flasks behind each grate. But, hey, cheer up! You are there to find all secrets - and you did find it, screw the counter. By the way - did you find out if there is any secret around the mysterious receptor in the shooting gallery (just before the Uggardian-room)? And please let me know if you figure out what is the purpose of a writing on last level with some lines stating something like "--**-*". Never found answer for that, but that is for sure a key to some secret.
Shooting gallery! There is a secret button on the wall when you stand on the second closed pti! On your left! Not yet sure what it does, but I'm gonna go press it now!
It fires into the receptor. Make sure you have the grate open though. Otherwise it won't work. So you will have to go there, open the grate, jump down the pit, teleport back to the fire spitting head, hit the "fire" button, go to the closed pit, press secret button and it will open a secret area.
Sad thing is that the loot isn't really that interesting if you're coming back from the golem factory... Which is my case.
By the way, do you know if there are any more secrets on the Golem factory level apart from the one with the
and the really obvious ones?
If you figure out a way to enter the "closed of" part of the factory from where the monsters are coming, let me know. I've been dying to go there, but haven't figured out how... (I mean, if it's even possible...)
(Secret count: 38/44 so far)
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:54 pm
by AnnElfwind
Also, if anyone knows about any secrets on level 8, I'm dying to know... Never found a single one on that level...
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:28 pm
by AnnElfwind
So, I've been thinking about the symbols with the *----*** whatever and maybe it indicates a room 3x7 with the * meaning a secret pressure plate? Honestly have no idea so far, but I think this idea is worth exploring. The question is wether there actually is a room with this sizes...
I'll be keeping an eye on that as well as trying to think of some other explanation.
On other note.
So far, I'm still missing five secrets, though I know where one of them is.