[MOD] LABYRINTH OF LIES - v3.6 Release
Oh, another important question just before you release v3.4
OTOH, I intend on playing from scratch but with two mages now. I intend to have double the fun... 
Is Level 50 assassination disabled on purpose? I say this because it seems it doesn't work right now. My rogue has got that ability and I never killed anything with a single blow from behind.

Intel i7 5960X
Gigabye GA-X99-Gaming 5
8 GB DDR4 (2100)
GeForce GTX 970 (Gigabyte)
Gigabye GA-X99-Gaming 5
8 GB DDR4 (2100)
GeForce GTX 970 (Gigabyte)
Sorry about delay in response, been a crazy week...
Not sure about the assassination 50 - will check on that
Have not yet got 3.4 ready but I expect either tomorrow or the next day - apologies again for the delay!
Sorry about delay in response, been a crazy week...
Not sure about the assassination 50 - will check on that
Have not yet got 3.4 ready but I expect either tomorrow or the next day - apologies again for the delay!

Labyrinth of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4400)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
- Dr.Disaster
- Posts: 2876
- Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:48 am
eLPuSHeR wrote:SpoilerShowIs Level 50 assassination disabled on purpose? I say this because it seems it doesn't work right now. My rogue has got that ability and I never killed anything with a single blow from behind.
Beside any possible mod-based modifications, such insta-kills require a dagger to work. Bare hands or other weapons won't do plus the victim must not be immune to assassination like wardens.
I know. Tested with several type of daggers.
Intel i7 5960X
Gigabye GA-X99-Gaming 5
8 GB DDR4 (2100)
GeForce GTX 970 (Gigabyte)
Gigabye GA-X99-Gaming 5
8 GB DDR4 (2100)
GeForce GTX 970 (Gigabyte)
Some more issues:
In the future I recommend that you do at least some rudimentary testing on your code before you release it. If you write a line of code but you never try running it, you never know what issues it might have. I understand that you're very confident you're writing it correctly, but typos and other silly errors can still slip through. Testing your mods before release will save you a lot of work in the long run, since it's less likely you'll have to rush with hotfixes.
Edit 2:
In script_entity_387 (level 13, x16,y26): You've made a typo and attempted to call "spawnerICE5activate()" instead of "spawnerICE5:activate()" which of course causes a crash. This means the player cannot place items in the powergem alcove or use the pyre stones to "convert" the dragons.
Of course, it's impossible to get into that area in the first place without cheating, because of another major bug: the heartspark keystone door on level 13 cannot be opened, because the locks increment the counter when they should be decrementing it.
Walking into the electric traps in the northern area of level 15 still causes the same crash it did in older versions.
Casting Blazing Storm will cause a crash because you attempt to index "caster" instead of "champion".
The dragons in the southeast section of level 13 will never shoot fireballs even after you put pyre stones in place, because you forgot to add connectors to any of the corresponding timers (flameTimer1, flameTimer2, flameTimer3, flameTimer4). This makes at least one secret impossible to get, I think.
It is impossible to get a 10 minute stay in the Aetherlands. You have the line "if item ~= nil and item.name == "aetherwrought_cloak" and item.name == "aetherwrought_charm" and item.name == "aetherwrought_shield" and item.name == "aetherwrought_sabre" then". For this statement to be true, the item's name would need to have four different values at once, which is not possible. I recommend that you review the Lua manual if you are unclear on the meaning of the "and" and "==" operators.
Edit: The Sheoldred and Malkior crash still occurs as well. However, now I know what causes this crash. You are attempting to destroy a pressure plate in code triggered by that pressure plate - this causes an internal error as (I think) the game still needs the pressure plate to exist after its connectors finish executing. The solution is to use PressurePlate:setTriggeredByParty(false) instead of PressurePlate:destroy(). If you still want the pressure plate to be garbage collected, you can spawn a timer that deletes it or something like that.
Of course, it's impossible to get into that area in the first place without cheating, because of another major bug: the heartspark keystone door on level 13 cannot be opened, because the locks increment the counter when they should be decrementing it.
Walking into the electric traps in the northern area of level 15 still causes the same crash it did in older versions.
Casting Blazing Storm will cause a crash because you attempt to index "caster" instead of "champion".
The dragons in the southeast section of level 13 will never shoot fireballs even after you put pyre stones in place, because you forgot to add connectors to any of the corresponding timers (flameTimer1, flameTimer2, flameTimer3, flameTimer4). This makes at least one secret impossible to get, I think.
It is impossible to get a 10 minute stay in the Aetherlands. You have the line "if item ~= nil and item.name == "aetherwrought_cloak" and item.name == "aetherwrought_charm" and item.name == "aetherwrought_shield" and item.name == "aetherwrought_sabre" then". For this statement to be true, the item's name would need to have four different values at once, which is not possible. I recommend that you review the Lua manual if you are unclear on the meaning of the "and" and "==" operators.
Edit: The Sheoldred and Malkior crash still occurs as well. However, now I know what causes this crash. You are attempting to destroy a pressure plate in code triggered by that pressure plate - this causes an internal error as (I think) the game still needs the pressure plate to exist after its connectors finish executing. The solution is to use PressurePlate:setTriggeredByParty(false) instead of PressurePlate:destroy(). If you still want the pressure plate to be garbage collected, you can spawn a timer that deletes it or something like that.
Edit 2:
Just as you could get stranded in the Aetherlands by using Blink, you can get stuck in the southeast part of the Shadowlight Divide by casting Blink right before it teleports you back to the junction, then going to the area with the timed teleporter at 31,21.
Last edited by minmay on Fri May 30, 2014 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Hi Akroma,
It has been a long time since I've been around on these boards but your marvellous mod has gotten me back into playing Grimrock and this community (I haven't encountered any of the issues previously posted but I'm only up to level 7 or 8 anyhow). I also downloaded your source file and decided to use some of your spells in my own mod, which your mod has motivated me to complete. Keep up the great work, because once all the bugs are ironed out this will probably be the best mod out there.
It has been a long time since I've been around on these boards but your marvellous mod has gotten me back into playing Grimrock and this community (I haven't encountered any of the issues previously posted but I'm only up to level 7 or 8 anyhow). I also downloaded your source file and decided to use some of your spells in my own mod, which your mod has motivated me to complete. Keep up the great work, because once all the bugs are ironed out this will probably be the best mod out there.

It is already one of the best mods out there...
PS - Still waiting for 3.4 release. It seems Akroma is quite busy, which is understandable...

PS - Still waiting for 3.4 release. It seems Akroma is quite busy, which is understandable...
Intel i7 5960X
Gigabye GA-X99-Gaming 5
8 GB DDR4 (2100)
GeForce GTX 970 (Gigabyte)
Gigabye GA-X99-Gaming 5
8 GB DDR4 (2100)
GeForce GTX 970 (Gigabyte)
I've restarted all over - on level 9 in the "only the fallen may pass"-area you enter from level 8 there is a xp-snail which I think should be removed because after guessing the lever combinations (which you can do relatively fast) and killing the snail you get about 40 skill points
from leveling up.

Hey All,
minmay - thank you for all your testing - but more so, explaining how to fix these issues you have encountered. The recent issues you have mentioned I have also just run into (and have done so while videoing the walkthrough which is extremely embarrassing) - I have provided work arounds for some of the errors in coding - but some you need to 'cheat' to get through. I apologise the mod is not up to scratch at the moment and I really thought I had worked through the coding bugs - but you are right, there are times where I have not tested thoroughly enough and game/secret breaking errors have slipped through. It is not a matter of confidence in my ability to write stuff - rather a matter of disorganization, working through things too fast and not remembering to test all the possibilities that are available. This is my first time modding a game and writing code and it definitely has shown. I have learned a hell of a lot in the process - the most important of which is to try and keep things as simple as possible and not rush the work. I thank you again for help here
Banaora - one of the most silly slip ups has been the xp-snail I left near the healing crystal in the Engine Core - it is certainly not meant to be there. Lure it back into the fireball area to kill it off without gaining all the XP and points
EDIT - sorry different xp snail - there is one near the Palace 'only fallen may pass' area?? hmm - in this case leave it, when you come back you can let a Liche Lord dispatch it and not gain the XP - however, it may be that this area is a no go as minmay has mentioned that the crash still occurs
eLPuSHeR - I am currently working through the walkthroughs (up to Frozen North - uploading soon). I really want to finish these off and collect as many 'need to fix' issues as possible before releasing the final version (3-4). I have taken down version 3-3 for now.... The final version should be about 2 weeks away. 3-3 will still be playable of course but being careful of the number of errors we have found since it's release
For the restarters - if you can wait 2 weeks, final version will be ready without any of the aforementioned bugs
Thankyou all and I am flattered that you would say it is one of the best mods out there for our beloved Grimrock
minmay - thank you for all your testing - but more so, explaining how to fix these issues you have encountered. The recent issues you have mentioned I have also just run into (and have done so while videoing the walkthrough which is extremely embarrassing) - I have provided work arounds for some of the errors in coding - but some you need to 'cheat' to get through. I apologise the mod is not up to scratch at the moment and I really thought I had worked through the coding bugs - but you are right, there are times where I have not tested thoroughly enough and game/secret breaking errors have slipped through. It is not a matter of confidence in my ability to write stuff - rather a matter of disorganization, working through things too fast and not remembering to test all the possibilities that are available. This is my first time modding a game and writing code and it definitely has shown. I have learned a hell of a lot in the process - the most important of which is to try and keep things as simple as possible and not rush the work. I thank you again for help here

Banaora - one of the most silly slip ups has been the xp-snail I left near the healing crystal in the Engine Core - it is certainly not meant to be there. Lure it back into the fireball area to kill it off without gaining all the XP and points

EDIT - sorry different xp snail - there is one near the Palace 'only fallen may pass' area?? hmm - in this case leave it, when you come back you can let a Liche Lord dispatch it and not gain the XP - however, it may be that this area is a no go as minmay has mentioned that the crash still occurs

eLPuSHeR - I am currently working through the walkthroughs (up to Frozen North - uploading soon). I really want to finish these off and collect as many 'need to fix' issues as possible before releasing the final version (3-4). I have taken down version 3-3 for now.... The final version should be about 2 weeks away. 3-3 will still be playable of course but being careful of the number of errors we have found since it's release
For the restarters - if you can wait 2 weeks, final version will be ready without any of the aforementioned bugs

Thankyou all and I am flattered that you would say it is one of the best mods out there for our beloved Grimrock

Labyrinth of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4400)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
- Posts: 145
- Joined: Wed May 30, 2012 11:11 pm
Thanks for keep us up to date Akroma..i will restart when the final version is released. Thanks!