sapientCrow wrote:Question:
I just reached the Sea of Flesh and the rooms that follow that have me face tanking ice lizards slime/double slimes fire elementals and wind wyverns.
After a room full of spawns that I had to face tank I have to ask...
Does this theme continue into the later game?
I play all mods on hard mode otherwise they are boring as hell. I have played close to 50 mods now at least. Including (Toorum's Manor and Labyrinth of Lies) which have some seriously heavy challenges at certain spots. However they always gave room to fight strategically. In this Mod it feels like I am forced to either roll 4 evasion tanks because back rows get hit quite often or 4 heavy armor tanks. That is to complete the game on hard. Or I suppose 2 ice mages could work.
I am all for challenge. Both with puzzles and combat but a room with snails followed by scavengers followed by wyverns followed by spiders followed by dual scavengers and then followed by slimes is just ridiculous. Then after I got through it I breathed a sigh of relief to be shown their is none and I now need to face tank an Ice Lizard but not one 2.
I am fantastically perplexed as to what the design is? The path of the damned was fairly punishing and harsh but there was 2 fire bombs that made to 2 initial 2 fights doable. I made it through that corridor even with the infinite spawning skellies. Even the scavenger face tank at like level 3 or so was doable as we could keep our main tanks forward and no side damage. Then there is the sea of flesh and I am concerned about what is to come.
I am a thorough player. I most often find all secrets in mods or a very large portion of them. Based on the count in this thread I have found all the secrets up the Sea point. I do not have enough materials to quaff potions indefinitely. I am penalized for sleeping to regen and I have to face tank things with all 4 of my characters.
The problem is that you make no reference that this mod almost forces you to choose certain characters to complete it on higher difficulty settings. I really think some of the design here should be re-tweaked. I doubt I will simply give up because that is not my style but I might have to literally cheat things because hitting F9 over and over again to get a lucky roll where I do not die in one of the face tank battles is not strategic it is just gambling and time consuming.
I commend the Mod for quite a number of things with its use of lighting and non linearity and the incorporation of unique items as well as many of the combat scenarios and puzzles.
It is just certain areas such as Sea of Flesh simply need to be rebalanced and made so they can in fact be defeated without a very fixed party composition.
Like I said I have played over 50 mods and all of them on Hard. And when I got to Sea of Flesh and then what follows it I was amazed by how over the top the situations were and how they were almost made to halt progress right there and then. In addition they are called mage challenges but seriously to defeat them without reloading 100+ times a 4 party tank team would be appropriate.
I'll try to answer as much as I can. I'm no expert on this mod, but I'd say, that by now, I know it better than many (dare I say most?).
What follows after what you described, let's just say that it's even worse and you'll be happy when you get to the last level of this mod. After level 6, level nine will look like a walk in the park.
I never played this mod on hard, but I'd imagine it must be brutal. I played it several times with different parties, including hybrid parties and toorum mode.
For your party, I'd recommend having the standard setup - two front line fighters, backrow rouge and a mage. If possible, it's good to have your rouge to know how to assasinate, even though most of the monsters starting from level 6 are impossible to one-shot kill. And for your mage to know at least two from fireball, ice and lightning bolt.
Because unless your fighters are scarily strong, you'll be relying on your mage quite a lot when you reach level 6 and then possibly level 7 too, but there it is possible to avoid most of the fighting if you're quick enough.
I'd say that the most brutal part is level 8, but unfortunatelly, it's a place where you need to go to complete the mod.
As for secrets, I found I think all but one, so if you figure out the mysterious writing on a wall on level 9, let me know.
Oh, and please, tell mewhat does the F9 do? I'm not really familiar with cheating in this game beyond the party mods that I have downloaded.
As for the mage's challenges, I had an advantage as I was using a party that has been through a lot and has resistence like to all elements in full. But let's face it, I did help that progress along a bit in a party mod.
And now I think I'll have to play this mod on hard just to see how hart it actually is.
If there's anything I can help you with regarding this mod, let me know.