First of all- congrats! I haven't played LoG1 for some time, got back here to check out if there are new, interesting modes and found yours! It's almost perfect- pack of action, lots of stuff to find, the one thing I miss- puzzles. Master Quest and Chaos Key are modes with perfect blend of hard fights and puzzles, but you've warned in decription, that mod is focused on action, so it's no suprise for me.
I saw, that you've published na information about
"let us see what you have learned about enlightenment" secret. I've initially thought, that the correct item will be Everburning Torch, but it doesn't work

Pls give me a hint about it, I'm currently on lvl4- is there a possibility, that I've already found an item required to unlock secret?
Hey Severgates

Thanks for your feedback

But you should wait until you have seen at least half of my Mod

Yes, you are right Everburning Torch is not the item you need for this puzzle. Ok i give you a hint: you found it in the same room as the everburning Torch.
Thx for answer

Luckily I still have required item

But I''ve experienced major problem (bug?)
I've jumped into the pit in NW part of lvl 9, area of madness or similar name, can't rememeber and can't go back to main part of lvl 9

The door in eastern part of lvl 9 after stepping up from lvl10 remain closed- I think that lock or switch is on the other side. If you need more detailed information I'll send you printscreen of map.
Of course I'll use console to progress further but I think you should consider to allow player to go back to main part of lvl 9