Log needs a extra systems requirement.
Must have the reactions of a Australian turbo flash-back water snake on speed, sporting go-fast-stripes.

You already gave your opinion in your previous post - I wonder why you felt the need to say exactly the same, and insult me, yet again without adding anything new. And yes, 'wow' - someone feels very differently to you about games and is comfortable with that - shocking isn't it. I interrupted playing 2 other games to play Grimrock - I personally have no problem leaving it for a little while and playing them before coming back to see if anything has changed. What on earth is wrong with that and why would you care what I do? /baffledHorrorscope wrote:Yes you sound like a 14 year old, you are asking them to make a change on something "YOU can do now". Stubborn to the point you will wait on something you don't even know will be coming. Wow. Your opinion or not, that is my opinion of your opinion. I just find it odd you refuse to do it, call it a cheat doing so, but if they made it an option it's not a cheat. It's a single player game, who cares, make it how you want or need it.
krayzkrok wrote:This is actually a far more serious issue than some of the flippant responses here imply. Face it, we're all getting older, and there will be an increasing number of older people who have been gamers for their entire lives in the very near future. Like it or not, your reactions will slow down, your coordination will deteriorate, and your eyesight will get worse. Should you suck it up and face the fact that games are for younger folks? No, I don't think so. All it takes is for devs to put a little bit of effort into accommodating elderly gamers. The option to slow things down a little. The option to increase the font size of text. Simple things, but things that can make a difference, especially for games like this which are cherished by those of us who remember the classics from the 80s.
This is a personal issue for me as well, because my father is disabled. He's been playing computer games for as long as I have, he has about 8 level 80 characters in WoW, he's played just about every RPG you can think of, and he's nearly 67 years old. But he's diabetic. His eyesight is going, his fingers aren't as precise as they once were, and he can't react as quickly as he'd like, but he absolutely loves playing games. He wishes more devs could spend a little time on making his gaming life a bit easier.
Of course I'm not blaming Almost Human for making a tough game that requires manual dexterity, I'm saying it's an issue that I hope more devs consider as the gaming population gets older. As for Grimrock, I'd love to see a little "Old Fart" checkbox that slowed the game timing down a bit more, made the text a bit bigger, and maybe made the darkness a little less dark. After all, old farts may be old but they're often a lot richer than you young whippersnappers! Support them, and they'll support you back.
Because you do not see you insult me when you are given the answer that fixes your needs, but you don't want to do it yourself and want others to. Yes that does annoy me. I can do this all day...Pipsissiwa wrote:You already gave your opinion in your previous post - I wonder why you felt the need to say exactly the same, and insult me, yet again without adding anything new.
+1 o7RMariano wrote:krayzkrok wrote:This is actually a far more serious issue than some of the flippant responses here imply. Face it, we're all getting older, and there will be an increasing number of older people who have been gamers for their entire lives in the very near future. Like it or not, your reactions will slow down, your coordination will deteriorate, and your eyesight will get worse. Should you suck it up and face the fact that games are for younger folks? No, I don't think so. All it takes is for devs to put a little bit of effort into accommodating elderly gamers. The option to slow things down a little. The option to increase the font size of text. Simple things, but things that can make a difference, especially for games like this which are cherished by those of us who remember the classics from the 80s.
This is a personal issue for me as well, because my father is disabled. He's been playing computer games for as long as I have, he has about 8 level 80 characters in WoW, he's played just about every RPG you can think of, and he's nearly 67 years old. But he's diabetic. His eyesight is going, his fingers aren't as precise as they once were, and he can't react as quickly as he'd like, but he absolutely loves playing games. He wishes more devs could spend a little time on making his gaming life a bit easier.
Of course I'm not blaming Almost Human for making a tough game that requires manual dexterity, I'm saying it's an issue that I hope more devs consider as the gaming population gets older. As for Grimrock, I'd love to see a little "Old Fart" checkbox that slowed the game timing down a bit more, made the text a bit bigger, and maybe made the darkness a little less dark. After all, old farts may be old but they're often a lot richer than you young whippersnappers! Support them, and they'll support you back.
Agree 100% No truer words were ever spoken.
Dandy wrote:Log needs a extra systems requirement.
Must have lightening fast reactions.
+1CrawlerJe wrote:
It really would be nice though to get a speed command setting in game options. Not everyone is comfortable with modding and systems.
This, and again this. +1Dandy wrote:You know, there are times when I am totally absorbed in LOG. I have gone back in time, to my days of great gaming, and find my self thinking what a fantastic game it is.
And then along comes a stupid bloody twitch test, and the whole thing shatters into a million fragments.