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Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:21 pm
by petri
Xzalander wrote:Fair enough, perhaps some kind of check to prevent it being built openly would be useful?
Perhaps so but there are multitude of other ways to produce glitches. For example floating buttons and levers. We also don't want to restrict these "invalid cases" in case somebody finds a clever use for them.

Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:03 pm
by Komag
I agree that this is probably one case where it need not be "fixed" but that level designers will simply need to build "correctly"

BTW, I reverted to an earlier save of my map with the "27" error so I didn't get a chance to try and search the file, but yes I had moved the starting area to that room and I can't remember if I had moved it back after that, or it got deleted or something, hmm

Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:11 pm
by Komag
starting_location, BUG!
If there is no "starting_location" currently on the map and you place one by pressing Y (instead of actually selecting it from the Asset Browser and placing it), it's ID will just be a number, instead of "starting_location_1"

Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:21 pm
by petri
Yep, it's a known issue.

Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:34 pm
by Xzalander
Not sure whats causing it, possibly the steam overlay, but sometimes during preview testing my current map the game no longer lets me LMB items in and out of my inventory. I have to right click. If it happens again, I'll try to remember what caused it exactly.

Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:03 pm
by Komag
petri wrote:Yep, it's a known issue.
Ah, sorry, I haven't checked the "Known Bugs" thread lately!

Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:22 pm
by Xzalander
Experienced a CTD setting up a trap. No error message.

Hidden Pressure Plate Triggers:

Timer linked to door. 30seconds.
Skeleton Archer Spawner.

Does a spawner need an empty square infront of it? If so there is my issue as there is a series of pits across from it to prevent the player from reaching the archer.
It was all set up using standard connections.

Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:44 pm
by Komag
When I edit a lock in the Inspector and start typing in "Opened by" it has an autocomplete pop-under saying "prison_key" which I can autocomplete by hitting DOWN then ENTER. But clicking on it with the mouse doesn't work. In this example hitting Down, Enter is faster, but if it was a long list I might want to just click on one.

Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:05 pm
by BuGi
SetMouseItem() doesn't accept item IDs, and crashes the game if you try to pass one as parameter. Also if you give it an item that's placed already somewhere on the level, and then player tries to place that item on the ground the game crashes "item is already placed".

Re: General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:18 pm
by petri
BuGi wrote:SetMouseItem() doesn't accept item IDs, and crashes the game if you try to pass one as parameter. Also if you give it an item that's placed already somewhere on the level, and then player tries to place that item on the ground the game crashes "item is already placed".
Many thanks for the bug report!