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Re: What difficulty will you be playing?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:33 pm
by Darklord
Millennium wrote:I believe after I finish the game with hard difficulty and automap on, I will move on to no automap.
Trouble is by that point you will already have an idea in your head about which way to go, you can only really experience the true confusion the first time round.
Re: What difficulty will you be playing?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:00 pm
by Mychaelh
Exactly. This is the only way to get this
'I'm lost in a dangerous maze and have to go on... no matter what...'-feeling.

The Thread of Ariadne is your memory. To play with auto-map is just to make sure, that it can not rip.
Rather gamey.

Re: What difficulty will you be playing?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:29 pm
by zokathra
I completed Dungeon Master yesterday for the first time without making maps after playing it for a few nights. I never beat it on our Atari ST back in the day because I was too young, and it scared the sh*t out of me

It's still a very engaging game. I don't think Grimrock will be as difficult so I'll crank it up to hard.
I'm in two minds about the automap. It got frustrating a few times in DM because I couldn't be bothered to make a map and went round in circles a bunch on the lower levels, but DM is largely featureless, Grimrock is, of course, a lot more visually impressive and I think it will be a lot easier to navigate.
Re: What difficulty will you be playing?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:36 pm
by Firing
Hard+no map
Re: What difficulty will you be playing?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:56 pm
by ozmiz
Normal - and since I believe in using better methods when they become available, bring on the 'Auto-Map'.
I understand some want the old-school of no mapping, but to me that would be like getting a GPS in a car but refusing to use it because you wanted to use a compass.
Re: What difficulty will you be playing?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:01 pm
by Darklord
zokathra wrote:
I'm in two minds about the automap. It got frustrating a few times in DM because I couldn't be bothered to make a map and went round in circles a bunch on the lower levels, but DM is largely featureless, Grimrock is, of course, a lot more visually impressive and I think it will be a lot easier to navigate.
I'm in the same boat, I've recently been replaying DM and getting lost loads! That being said I think I'll give Old School a go anyhow, what the heck if it gets on my nerves to much I'll just restart.
Re: What difficulty will you be playing?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:03 pm
by Mychaelh
...And that is absolutely all right. Everyone can only decide for his own, how to get the most fun out of it.
There are those who want a challenge, and others who want avoid frustration. A good designed game can please both ends of the spectrum.
Re: What difficulty will you be playing?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:04 pm
by Pez
Probably hard+Automap, but we will see.
Re: What difficulty will you be playing?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:28 pm
by jfunk
ozmiz wrote:Normal - and since I believe in using better methods when they become available, bring on the 'Auto-Map'.
I understand some want the old-school of no mapping, but to me that would be like getting a GPS in a car but refusing to use it because you wanted to use a compass.
Not at all. Driving to a destination in real life isn't a game, it's something that simply must be done.
Having to rely on your own map is part of the "experience" for those that enjoyed these games in the old days. Auto-map basically breaks many of the puzzle-like situations in these style games. You can't possibly get lost if you can just press a button and see a magical overhead view of where you are in relation to everything else and a "you are here" arrow.
For example, many of these games contained tiles that simply turned your direction without it being visible to the player, or teleported them to another part of the dungeon (with or without their knowledge). These little traps and tricks have zero functionality with an automap. Also simply running away from an enemy in a blind panic may leave you not knowing where you are, left to use landmarks to re-orient yourself.
I understand that those may be things you have no interest in participating in, but they are there for the sake of entertainment. Equating them to refusing to use modern tools to accomplish real life work is a broken analogy.
Re: What difficulty will you be playing?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:39 pm
by Mariemagpie
I'm going to go with easy, I suck at game's but I still enjoy them :3