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Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:20 pm
by thomson
Grimwold wrote:Also, on closer inspection, looking at the object definitions in the zip file, I notice the paths refer to
dlc1 e.g.
Code: Select all
model = "dlc1/models/env/crusher_cube.fbx",
I'm not sure which part of the news is more awesome: the fact that there is a work in progress on a DLC or that it's likely to be the first one of several planned (otherwise it wouldn't be numbered). Great news indeed!
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:57 pm
by Komag
Well, they would number it even if it's by far most likely to be the only one, just in case, so it's not a real strong indicator I think
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:12 am
by Rook
thomson wrote:
I'm not sure which part of the news is more awesome: the fact that there is a work in progress on a DLC or that it's likely to be the first one of several planned (otherwise it wouldn't be numbered). Great news indeed!
Technically, all content is downloadable content.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:05 am
by Neikun
Well as it stands so far, my entry is simply my box. (What with Dishonoured, and my working 15.5 hour days now) I dunno if I'll have the time/motivation to finish it until after Christmas.)
I'd rather not hold back the challenge, so I could release my box (It makes for a nice blockage, and I see no reason why the door in centre of tile script coupled with door crushing script couldn't be applied to it.
Best part about the model is that it scales well, so it can be as large or as small as you like.
Also, my steam name is Neikun
EDIT: Sorry, Juho! I totally forgot to respond to your work. It looks simply fantastic, but you are bang on that it is out of place in the dungeon wallset. I would like to see it in the southern wallset. -if anyone could please show me an example. I'm off to bed, hoping for a shorter work day tomorrow.-
EDIT EDIT: Juho! My alcove senses are tingling, could you perhaps do a version of the model with eye sockets as well?
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:23 am
by HaunterV
juho wrote:HaunterV wrote:Well not to knock anyone else for their effort but that looks like a winner to me.
I'm not taking part to the competition/challenge, but I'll throw in a gift code of LoG for the winner.
that's even more amazing.
Neikun wrote:#stuff
EDIT EDIT: Juho! My alcove senses are tingling, could you perhaps do a version of the model with eye sockets as well?
Can we put stuff in the same square of the crusher cube?
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:52 am
by HaunterV
juho wrote:Oh crap

hope we didnt get you in trouble.
I like it. hooked to a hidden plate set to any = toggle, it gets to be really aggrivating to deal with. I think I want to set it to require a tribute item to open the way.
I also want to make it SLAM down when the player gets close and shake the screen.
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 6:44 am
by HaunterV
quesstionnn!!! in the pic i see the cube in the center of the square. in practice in a dungeon it sits in the secret door position. not that this is a problem but I now need models that make room for the cube... unless we can get it shifted back into a position so that tit is right under the shaft...
then again maybe this rumored new tileset has this new archway i need... not to add to the rumor mill mind you.