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Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:46 am
by Skuggasveinn
Someone was asking for flowers and windows. Neikun asked me to release the ones I have but they are a part of larger tileset (thats simply called the town tileset) thats almost done.

So I would like to wait until the town tileset is complete before releasing it on the nexus (all the guys that are on the LotNR project are playing around with it, and I'm getting some feedback, msyblade is lego-ing this together in ways that I never would have tried :D ).

so we are just talking weeks (I would say begining of february) and then it will be available for all.

Here is a sneak of whats inside.

We have flowers crawling on the walls and also with pots on pillar placements (these are snapons, meaning that the wall and pillar are not part of the model, they can be snapped onto any wall or pillar)
we also have windows that work the same way, can be snapped onto anything.
This tileset is not just outdoors, it also has a sub-tileset for indoors.
and if you take stairs up or down you just switch from outdoor to indoor tiles making the indoor ones the primery, we also have snapon windows for inside, that come with and without lightray effects.
as you can see be the screens this has gone a long way.
hope to get this out to you soon.


Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:22 am
by Komag
you guys are truly transforming the game! Outstanding work, very fine and pro level stuff 8-)

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:34 am
by Neikun
Thanks Komag!
We are really making some spectacular progress.

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:32 am
by msyblade
Ooooooh. Came here to get germanny's re-texture of that desk for the Inn i'm building in LotNR, and he just teasered me! Please upload it germanny? :cry:

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:06 pm
by Asteroth
Okay, somebody asked for candles. That is pretty general so I tried two approaches:

First is simple. Large candle holders like my skull lamps:
No hassle just place. I did not realize how particle effects work so the fire is a tad large. But at least it's weaker than the skull lanterns fire.

Second requires a lot of work on the users end. It is a candle on a candle holder:
Since these could go on a dresser/alcove/table/etc I have no idea where to place them. In retrospect I probably should have set them to, say, altar height since that is a convenient place for most people. But the user will simply have to set it in the gmt. For that same reason they come unlit. I figured an unlit version is useful anyway. Oh man, I meant to put in an unlit version of the big ones too. Ah well.

Here they are. Renamed the pack fulfilling something I said I might do a while back.:

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:08 am
by Neikun
Started the Specific Request Sheet.

EDIT: I just realized that Wallasaurus' monsters thread was also a request thread!
(compiling compiling)

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:47 am
by Neikun
It is tedious to build tables in forum style @_@


Code: Select all

Can I do it                          With Code?

UGHH!                               I'm an idiot!
-redesign redesign-

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:47 pm
by Mutman
I got an idea, anyone who is making a monsters which have one weapon and maybe a shield, can have the same AI as skeletons (have too one weapon and shield, just different animations) this could ease the work on monsters

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:30 pm
by hyteria

if someone interested , i'm in need of a trap

i already modelize it , need texture , animation (like the gratting door , quick raise , slow down ) and code that make it a trap (something like a pressure plate who s activated by player)

source here



Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:35 pm
by Neikun
Hell, that could make even for some wicked props!