[MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

I wish I could see some of these other rooms. I can't get past the second one, Grimwolds room with out the game crashing.

Anyone have any suggestions. Should I try to download again maybe?
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Neikun »

Can you describe the events that lead to the game crashing?
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Grimwold »

It is very odd that the game is crashing for you, since we had numerous testers and such a crash was never reported. I myself tested the room to destruction both in the editor and in the main game.

As Neikun says, can you describe the exact events leading to the crash, including if you are hitting the button(s) particularly quickly or not (though I did personally try spamming the buttons a lot in testing).
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

I find it strange that it is doing it also since this was thoroughly tested and I seem to be the only one experiencing it, but it occurs every time without fail.
I figured out that the 4 buttons move the dragon statue around and it can be used to block the the lightning and fire bolts. The extent of my troubleshooting is I can move the dragon statue forward or sideways once but as soon as I push a button a second time it crashes the game. So I can get the key across from the lightning bolt spawner, I open the door and there is a second door needing a key, which I assume is behind the door across from the fire bolt spawner.
I get a duplicate entity id error when I push a button for a second time. The game gives me this
#grim_dragon_script:41: duplicated entity id
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'spawn'
#grim_dragon_script:41: in function <#grim_dragon_script:1>
[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'onMessageReceived'
[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'sendMessageToEntity'
[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'broadcastMessage'
[string "TriggerEvents.lua"]: in function 'fire'
[string "Button.lua"]: in function 'push'
[string "Button.lua"]: in function 'onClick'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'mousePressed'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk

and then lists a bunch of stuff which I assume is my system specs. I have a Gateway I5, 8 gig with Intel HD graphics. I know my system can barely run the game, but it has never crashed before.

Any suggestions would be awesome. I know a lot of people have put a lot of effort into this.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Grimwold »

The error message "duplicated entity ID" suggests
that there is some issue with the destruction and spawning of the dragon (which is how it 'moves')
What version of Grimrock do you have? is it the Steam edition? mine is 1.3.7 (shown in the bottom left of the menu screen)
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

Grimwold's code used destroy() and then spawns a new one of the same id, so either it's somehow spawning the new one too fast before the old one is destroyed (unlikely), or it is just not destroying it due to your having an outdated version of Grimrock before we had such nice use of destroy()
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

Drakkan wrote:I am also stopped with the gems / slimes. I have got the hint scroll (something like wealth is the way or something like that...) but do not know what to do next
The hint talks about the "flight of wealth" - do you have something valuable that can fly? ;)
if you listen closely you can hear a certain teleporter operating at a certain time - you need to be in it!
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

mahric wrote:I'm officially stuck/trapped in the library challenge and can't escape the chamber.
I'm at the same spot as Grimfan; trapped in the library challenge without any obvious way out.
I did find the signs above the doors, rearranged the accordingly, even tried to put them in order inside a room. (e.g. fire spells from low to high level etc).
Also experimented with the light and darkness spells (2 remaining alcoves, table, floor) and also with the laser bean spell (though I don't know if it's part of this challenge).
Any pointers would be appreciated.
You're on the right track. I found this room to be impossible as well. The EXACT order of all the scrolls is something I had to look at the editor to see, and I still couldn't make sense of it! If it was updated so that just the spell schools are required to be correct (but doesn't matter what order the three are in within each room) then that would probably about right in fairness/difficulty
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Xanathar »

The EXACT order of all the scrolls is something I had to look at the editor to see, and I still couldn't make sense of it
I dare guess it's alphabetical order, in clockwise direction.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

If there was some other audio or visual clue that the scrolls within a room were in the right order that would work as well, such as a light going on, or clicks, or something.
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