Hey there,
Been some time since I last posted here, but I still kept an eye on the games progress... good stuff so far!
Fist off: No direct Multiplayer, please... that's just not the type of game for it, and I imagine it'd be very hard to implement in any useful way. What I can think of is a kind of indirect MP, but more about that later.
Now on to my ideas:
- Setup of the Game: For me, the logical step up from the base concept of the first game would be a game with multiple dungeons, connected by an overword. Further, I'd like to see some kind of central hub, like a village or small city. That would open the game up for some of the other concepts I have thought of.
- The Central Hub: Heart of this "save zone" should be some kind of Tavern or Guild, where the group receives quests, hires NPCs, rests up, etc.
- Quests and changing dungeons: Quests taken in the hub will send the group into the various dungeons (and the overworld), who keep their basic layouts, but are fittet with different monsters, NPCs and items, depending on the mission at hand.
- NPCs and hirelings: The concept of NPCs that can be added to the party was first introduced in games like Eye of the Beholder and Dungeons Master, and is pretty much self explanatory... they should either be hireable or be found while exploring and be full members of the party while they are there.
- Shops, Artisans and Tempel: The concept of a cnetral town also opens up the possibility of shopping for equipment and consumables, the crafting of gear and the services of a temple (healing, resurrection). Especially the latter should really be considered - while the crytsals in LoG1 where a nice touch, they felt a tad too "convenient" for a hardcore RPG.

- Indirect Multiplayer: If MP should really be added, it should be more along the lines of Dark Souls... with other games indirectly influencing the own game... be it thru hints, items or NPCs created and placed by other players, or some such.
I'm sure I can think of some more stuff, but that's it for now, I guess.