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Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:53 pm
by Inspiredhate
search for text on the walls on floor 7 ;)

Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:16 pm
by Dr.Disaster
joramsey wrote:I'm struggling with the time is relative but evil will not be forgotten puzzle on floor eight. Any hints/suggestions?
1st thread page maybe? ;)

All needed info is there yet you still need to figure out how to literally put it to use.

Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:16 pm
by joramsey
the text about 15 runic scrolls, 11 villages, and 35 thousands? I don't know how to interpret those in relation to the puzzle. Also, taking an idea from Mr Disaster's earlier post, I've tried to listen very carefully and don't hear anything interesting (with the exception of stepping off a plate to by scrolling right, then there is no sound of the plate resetting). Is that last point useful?

edit Sorry Dr. Disaster...don't want to diminish your degree.

Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:18 pm
by Dr.Disaster
joramsey wrote:the text about 15 runic scrolls, 11 villages, and 35 thousands?
aye. i think my post contains enough spoiler to solve this, yet you still need to think a bit.

Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:21 pm
by Inspiredhate
just look at the configuration of the plates and re read carefully the clues given to you and you'll probly make it out =P also the hurmmm does the sound of your game work fine with my mod? or you're making allusion to a secret/puzzle? if its for puzzles that one is not on this floor hehe.

Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:36 pm
by joramsey
I think the sound works fine so far, but I play with the sound turned up a bit.

Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:38 pm
by joramsey solution yet. Since my eyes are crossed, I'm going to try again later. But, I'm running out of workable ideas—perhaps I'm over-thinking at the clues and dial.

Other than having trouble with this puzzle, I've really liked your mod. It's done a good job of keeping me on my toes.

Edit: I figured it out...that was mean!

Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:22 am
by Dr.Disaster
joramsey solution yet. Since my eyes are crossed, I'm going to try again later. But, I'm running out of workable ideas—perhaps I'm over-thinking at the clues and dial.

Other than having trouble with this puzzle, I've really liked your mod. It's done a good job of keeping me on my toes.
Don't worry you'll get it. It took me quite a while to figure it out, even after tracking down all wall messages again.

Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 1:24 am
by Koiju
Koiju wrote:
Dr.Disaster wrote:
Koiju wrote:I'm a little stuck though, did all of the mine area and ruined abode levels, got the two gems and used them on the door in the hall, did most of that level till the room with an orange glow and spider web in the ceiling, pressed the button, whole level shakes a lot, cleared the room of slimes and pressed the hidden switch, and left that room, but can't find what changed. I'm assuming something big happened cos it shacked a lot, but I have no idea what :S

Help would be appreciated ^^
IIRC the shaking came from some walls collapsing, releasing the slimes.

According to my memory and map (and you haven't been there) NE and E of your map should be blank yet, beside one gate in the NE you could not open. If i'm right it's time to backtrack and look for another way in.
Thanks for the reply.
I was thinking it would be up there, but I've search the entire Main Hall floor, nothing has changed, no walls or doors have opened, and I searched the whole place, twice :S

Is there anything more specific someone can tell me?

EDIT: oh yeah, one thing did change, the blue rest crystal is gone, but thats it

OK thanks to those that replied to this, I managed to find what I needed to do.

This does highlight my one complaint though: I feel there needs to be more clues, not major giveaways, but at least a hint that something has to be done in the room so I actually know I'm supposed to be doing something there. As it is I wasn't even aware the room had any significance until your clues on here.

Re: [MOD] Demiosis Domain-296-V1-0

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 1:34 am
by Dr.Disaster
Koiju wrote:OK thanks to those that replied to this, I managed to find what I needed to do.

This does highlight my one complaint though: I feel there needs to be more clues, not major giveaways, but at least a hint that something has to be done in the room so I actually know I'm supposed to be doing something there. As it is I wasn't even aware the room had any significance until your clues on here.
I see you had a bit trouble finding out where to continue. Yet your map noted that there was at least one door you did not pass so this would have been the next things to do anyway.

Then imagine that other players might manage to enter the NW door first, as it happend to me. So i want all that way thru til the final room on that part to find a teleport which brought me back to the entry room .. hmm .. now that i re-think it .. perhaps there should also be a teleporter on that parts end.