Good news I can put your party at the same point you are trapped

just after the door.
I have all four objects, but the door will not open

Is clues in the wrong places or another bug ????
I'm playing with your save and i see the problem... your lighting rod are empty. Inside editor game discriminate between lighting_rod and empty_lighting_rod, same from fire_blade and empty_fire_blade.
My script for this alcove:
function itemPuzzleWind()
-- iterate through all contained items on alcove, checking for a matching name
for i in WindAlcove:containedItems() do
if == "lightning_rod" then
For example on dragon tower you can get zhandul orb because on fire alcove you put a fire_blade not a empty_fire_blade. That is the reason. I do that consciously, not a bug. Don't worry i put this secret
on Arska inventory
I modify this scripts too but only for advice if anyone put empty object on alcove. Not for open the door. Something like "Sorry but you need this object with charges, not empty". Playing with your save i see a little bug on skeleton alcove for this tower... i fix that detail too but not on this version.