oook i guess i run into some more bugs.
One got introduced with your staff/wand "fix", the other has prolly been there before but i did not notice it.
1st: drained wands now become ordinary melee weapons
plus: any previous present bonuses they had like +Energy or +Wisdom are lost!
For example before the update even drained the Sceptre of Lyr gave a nice buff to Sancsaron but now it's a worthless club.
In other words: all wands are now broken. IMO this is unacceptable, so revert this fix back.
2nd: killing any kind of ghost creature with a Vorpal Blade gives no xp at all
(my mage does not have the Weaken Non-Material spell yet)
Right now my mage (he went fire all the way) has to farm xp so he can put points into Air Magic and cast the Zo spell.
Now imagine my surprise when ghost hunting does net him no xp at all.
Guess i have to go play with worms for a while then, but at least that's an option ..
About those said books of wizardry to turn someone into a mage:
Unless they are in a secret before lvl 11 that i missed non-mage party will never get to them.
The area around level 11 is the point where a mage is needed to go on, so ..