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Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:57 am
by Dr.Disaster
Downloaded, started another go with a custom party, one of each class this time and noticed that rangers are still prohibited from spellcasting

i guess she'll be my transform-target then.
On the decoration part it's a pretty nice update
Yet i wonder .. can those new unlit lanterns be lit?
Found the first dagger so my rogue is going the melee route now.
The experience gain seems a lot more reasonable and combat is enjoyable up to now.
Made 4x lvl 9 at the beginning of floor 6 including 21 secrets.
Combat is definatly more challenging more. While the default party had only little trouble with the ogre ambush (the only two deaths in the entire mod) it now outright flattened my custom party and i had to switch strat do deal with it. Thumbs up!

Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:30 pm
by RMariano
lexdr wrote:@Germanny: - - snip - -
I will continue a little bit decoration tonight and publish a 0.91 release to permit
RMariano to play.
Thank you kind Sir. I'm to level 6. This is an excellent effort on your part.
Thank you again for your support.
Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:02 pm
by survival
New floors,deco , anything else ?
Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:07 pm
by Dr.Disaster
oook i guess i run into some more bugs.
One got introduced with your staff/wand "fix", the other has prolly been there before but i did not notice it.
1st: drained wands now become ordinary melee weapons
plus: any previous present bonuses they had like +Energy or +Wisdom are lost!
For example before the update even drained the Sceptre of Lyr gave a nice buff to Sancsaron but now it's a worthless club.
In other words: all wands are now broken. IMO this is unacceptable, so revert this fix back.
2nd: killing any kind of ghost creature with a Vorpal Blade gives no xp at all
(my mage does not have the Weaken Non-Material spell yet)
Right now my mage (he went fire all the way) has to farm xp so he can put points into Air Magic and cast the Zo spell.
Now imagine my surprise when ghost hunting does net him no xp at all.
Guess i have to go play with worms for a while then, but at least that's an option ..
About those said books of wizardry to turn someone into a mage:
Unless they are in a secret before lvl 11 that i missed non-mage party will never get to them.
The area around level 11 is the point where a mage is needed to go on, so ..
Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:28 pm
by lexdr
Dr.Disaster wrote:I noticed that rangers are still prohibited from spellcasting

I've forgotten. Will be included in next release.
RMariano wrote:Thank you kind Sir. I'm to level 6. This is an excellent effort o your part.
You're welcome!
survival wrote:New floors,deco , anything else ?
Assets, spells, monsters, puzzles, gameplay...
Dr.Disaster wrote:1st: drained wands now become ordinary melee weapons
Fixed (unlucky copy/paste)
Dr.Disaster wrote:2nd: killing any kind of ghost creature with a Vorpal Blade gives no xp at all
Yep, this is an issue that I cann't solve for both dispell burst and dispell projectile.
Dr.Disaster wrote:Guess i have to go play with worms for a while then, but at least that's an option ..
You can also cast some potions as far as it grants xp...
Remember in a previous life when you played DM: casting potions to increase the priest skills and thowing a torch in a (up) stair to increase the ninja skills...

Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:21 pm
by Dr.Disaster
lexdr wrote:Dr.Disaster wrote:Guess i have to go play with worms for a while then, but at least that's an option ..
You can also cast some potions as far as it grants xp...
Remember in a previous life when you played DM: casting potions to increase the priest skills and thowing a torch in a (up) stair to increase the ninja skills...

I needed about 20k to level up. Dancing a good while with Wormies was definatly faster
IN case you missed my updated post above here i repeat it here.
About those books of wizardry added: either i missed them on my way to lvl 11 or they are further down where non-mage-parties will never reach them. The area around level 11 is the point where a mage is a must have to continue, so ..
Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:30 pm
by lexdr
I just followed your previous recommendations:
Dr.Disaster wrote:Maybe even add an option to convert a party member into a mage? You know i.e. level 13 has the perfect place to do just that

Ok, I will change to the secret you missed on lvl 11.
Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:48 pm
by Dr.Disaster
lexdr wrote:I just followed your previous recommendations:
Dr.Disaster wrote:Maybe even add an option to convert a party member into a mage? You know i.e. level 13 has the perfect place to do just that

Ok, I will change to the secret you missed on lvl 11.
yeah me bad .. see, how little mages do pay attention?
So then it's the door in the middle of nowhere
A button door that can't be operated by the Zo Spell is pretty fishy.
Good thing then that i managed to solve it yet!
Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:45 pm
by Dr.Disaster
Quick update: the Book of Wizardry works great
wait .. i see a small bug with it: the character that is turned into a mage can only reassign his collected lvl-up points; 4x (level-1).
It seems he looses all his initial skill points given by the creation process. Should be easy to correct by adding skill points based on "Champion:getRace()" and "Champion:hasTrait(“skilled”)".
err .. just noticed it while redressing my new mage ..
any idea why Mithral Aketon, Mithril Mail and Mithral Hosen all add +5 resist cold when there is no cold magic around?
Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:32 pm
by lexdr
Dr.Disaster wrote:Quick update: the Book of Wizardry works great

wait .. i see a small bug with it: the character that is turned into a mage can only reassign his collected lvl-up points; 4x (level-1).
It seems he looses all his initial skill points given by the creation process. Should be easy to correct by adding skill points based on "Champion:getRace()" and "Champion:hasTrait(“skilled”)".
Adding the exact number of previous skill points is quite complicated, and it does not have a real meaning as far as a total reconversion should not be to the same level. I first think about gaining half levels...
Dr.Disaster wrote:any idea why Mithral Aketon, Mithril Mail and Mithral Hosen all add +5 resist cold when there is no cold magic around?
It's the default settings in Germanny's asset pack. I've updated it with resistFire.