[ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by JohnWordsworth »

@Drakkan: It has been discussed, but I personally feel that there's a lovely challenge in building a story into a confined space. In Game Jams, there's an interesting concept that "by giving people a smaller box to work in, they can get more creative, but more importantly - they can make something and finish!". I personally think there are many reasons for keeping it small (ish)...
  • Challenge of building something complex in a confined space.
  • It should be accessible to everyone, even modders who have never modded before!
  • We want to be sure it gets finished in a reasonable time. If everyone spends an average of 4 days on a room, that's still 80 days for 20 designers, plus the top and tail bits - so 100 days. Doing a whole floor each could take a couple of weeks - that's a long time!
  • Most people can commit to doing a room and will be able to complete it. With a whole floor, I expect a bunch of people just won't end up having time etc.
With that said, there will be outside areas and transitional areas. Diarmuid did an excellent job on these on the ORRR2, but we could allow the developers with more time to make this areas at the end of the mod.

There was a project with LOG1 which was based on "every developer making a room" and it (unfortunately) never materialised - I think this is just because if you give people a room, they can think of 1 nice idea and build it. A floor requires a lot more thought and time.
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by msyblade »

I second the motion to nominate JW to take the project lead on ORRR3. He is absolutely capable, and a fantastic choice.
Also, I know it's not time, but dibs on a room. Double dibs with a cherry on top. I'll take a tower penthouse, with a minibar please :twisted: :)
Oh, and Phitt, totally play ORRR2, it is awesome.
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Skuggasveinn »

If John want's to do it I got his back.
I will also help out in anyway I can (layout, models, textures, music, sound-effects etc)

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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Drakkan »

John to the Castle ! :D
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Diarmuid »

I also think John's the best candidate for this, experienced and well-respected in the community... and I pretty well know that once the thing is started I won't be able to hold back and not help a lot with the project! :D

So he won't be alone, it's teamwork that made the first 2 editions what they are.
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Chimera005ao »

While we might not be able to "lock" items on to certain members the party
Player can't remove traits manually, though we've seen you can add them with items, and you can quite likely remove them with script.
We've even seen a trait that affects the whole party, and has the condition of the party member that has it being alive.

I'm sure there could be such negative traits as:
Accuracy decreases when below 50% health
or chance to become poisoned no matter what hits you (even fall damage XP)
or decrease carrying weight

Things like those can encourage the party to finish rooms, without forcing them (or the room designers) to take into account that certain items are stuck on the party.
With that said, there will be outside areas and transitional areas.
Anyone have thoughts on whether it will be an open world map (like LoG2 or first Zelda) or a central hub area (like Mario 64's castle or Megaman's stage select) that has less connected sub areas.
I feel the open world approach lends itself better to areas that have connecting puzzles, like the meteor one in LoG2.
While the other approach lends toward unique isolated areas.
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by cameronC »

I'll be keeping a sharp eye on this and would love to contribute a room if possible (He says as he goes to play the first 2).
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Isaac »

Johns' going to be making his own room; and is making ~the tool~ that all of us can make custom additions to our own rooms with... Quite a project linchpin already, I'd say... Provided he has the time, I think that he'd be great for heading the project. 8-)
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Xanathar »

+1 for John !
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Many thanks to everyone for the vote of confidence! Having seen just how wonderful this community is from the ORRR1/2, I know that there will be a lot of people chipping in and helping out - which means I would love to take on the overall admin of the ORRR3 :).

I'm very excited to see what we all come up with. It's going to be awesome to see how inventive people can get with the updated dungeon editor!

As Msyblade mentioned last night, I think it's a good idea not to rush into this and start building straight away. It would be good for us all to spend a bit of time using the editor after the scripting reference comes out to get our feet with the new tools. It also gives us a bit more time to have plenty of discussion here so that we can do something a bit novel with the overall design of the mod, having a nice little theme running throughout and a nice design for the overall world, in the same way the ORRR2 had.
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