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Re: Magic is too cumbersome...
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:21 am
by Arty
The standard mid-high end nuke is only 2 runes to cast, and you can select them before hand and they will stay highlighted until you cast. It's really not that hard, just a few more clicks.
Re: Magic is too cumbersome...
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:29 am
by JemyM
Cutter wrote:Can we at least get a patch that will leave the spell punched in ready to cast at all times untill changed? Having to punch in runes while avoiding mobs and having your melee and other ranged group is a real pain in the ass. Particularly those 4 rune spells.
That is the point. Hurling a 4 rune spell in the middle of a fight
should be a pain in the ass.
Re: Magic is too cumbersome...
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:32 am
by spreadsheets
Dude, I don't even mix potions pre-fight.
Those get done on a PoD-basis.
Re: Magic is too cumbersome...
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:52 am
by Varil
As a whole, the magic system isn't very appealing as is. Like others have said, repeatedly entering the runes isn't a challenge or tactically engaging, it's just a hassle. It's certainly doable, I used two mages on my run through the game and was pretty much relying on their firepower by the end, but I never felt like the magic system was doing anything but getting in my way. If I had some way of either automatically casting the same spell I used previously, then at least the runes would only slow things down when I had to change spells on the fly...which seems reasonable.
As for "it'll take all the challenge out", I don't know if you've noticed, but there's already a cool down on spells, it isn't as if you'd be able to machine gun them one after the other. I'd rather plan for a fight, pick my 'preferred' spell, and then go at it without fussing over random mis-clicks when I'm trying to watch the screen, my other 3 characters, AND my rune display.
The rune system is a good idea, but forcing players to trip over it every time they want to fireball something isn't going to endear it to the masses. It'd be better used as a way for players to be able to rapidly adjust their spells on the fly, rather than a way to hold players back during a frantic fight. Remember that the UI is there to facilitate player interaction with the game, not to frustrate them with tedium.
Re: Magic is too cumbersome...
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:54 am
by spreadsheets
~I don't know if you've noticed~, but not "misclicking when I'm trying to watch the screen, my other 3 characters, AND my rune display." is part of the challenge.
Re: Magic is too cumbersome...
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:03 am
by Mychaelh
Magic in fantasy settings is something complicated, hard to learn and only perfected with lot of practice.
There are people who get a talent for it in the cradle and others, who never manage it, no matter how hard they try.

DM, Arx Fatalis and LoG are the games, who simulate this perfect.
Re: Magic is too cumbersome...
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:04 am
by Varil
I was under the impression that the game could muster challenge on its own, rather than relying on an obtuse UI.
Re: Magic is too cumbersome...
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:10 am
by Mychaelh
I don't find it 'obtuse'. I find it genial.
Not everyone can be a LoG-magican.

Re: Magic is too cumbersome...
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:13 am
by spreadsheets
Varil wrote:I was under the impression that the game could muster challenge on its own, rather than relying on an obtuse UI.
But it's not. It would be relying on an obstruse UI if it took you 4 meaningless clicks to even get to the rune field.
The rune field itself and the manner of casting spells is a game mechanic of its own, not simply an interface you have to senselessly click yourself through.
Just as having to attack by clicking on the weapon is a game mechanic and not just an interface you have to click without purpose.
Having to cast every spell is a change in gameplay from only having to specify the runes once, not just in the manner of executing that gameplay.
Re: Magic is too cumbersome...
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:23 am
by Mychaelh
It's all about the need to concentrate on the runes and switch away awareness from the surroundings for a moment.
Casting strong spells needs practice and sometimes fails. But it's not the game RNG, that makes the determination here.
It's all about your own ability 'to pull the stunt'.
That is good game mechanic design and not bad UI design.