EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
I so wish we could use Ctrl-Ins and Shift-Ins for copy/paste in addition to Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V...
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
I'd like to third (or have more than two people requested this?) this idea. I've been studying the LoG - Remake custom dungeon and must say that there are places where there are 3 walls with ivy or dirt, a monster standing on a pressure plate, an alcove or two and maybe a floor corpse or ceiling light... and in that small square everything looks mashed together. Would it be possible to set a zoom level so that the squares are larger even if the icons for everything else remain the same size?Komag wrote: - a "zoom" function, perhaps 4to1 on the grid
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
If icons remain in their size, they are still meshed together, regardless how big the grid is...
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
What I mean is that icons on the walls will separate from the icons in the center.
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Oh, 2X/4X zoom is definitely in. We've had it for quite a while now and it's very handy 

Steven Seagal of gaming industry
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
One thing I've been missing is a ID prefix feature. So that I could write a prefix into editor and every item created in editor would have the prefix.
If I create a torch holder it's now called torch_holder1, torch_holder2 etc. With a custom prefix (e.g. aaneton_) torch holder ID would be automatically called aaneton_torch_holder1, aaneton_torch_holder2 etc
This would be a excellent feature for collaboration projects with many editors, e.g. One Room Round Robins, as remebering to rename all own items is a pain.
If I create a torch holder it's now called torch_holder1, torch_holder2 etc. With a custom prefix (e.g. aaneton_) torch holder ID would be automatically called aaneton_torch_holder1, aaneton_torch_holder2 etc
This would be a excellent feature for collaboration projects with many editors, e.g. One Room Round Robins, as remebering to rename all own items is a pain.
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
aaneton wrote:One thing I've been missing is a ID prefix feature. So that I could write a prefix into editor and every item created in editor would have the prefix.
If I create a torch holder it's now called torch_holder1, torch_holder2 etc. With a custom prefix (e.g. aaneton_) torch holder ID would be automatically called aaneton_torch_holder1, aaneton_torch_holder2 etc
This would be a excellent feature for collaboration projects with many editors, e.g. One Room Round Robins, as remebering to rename all own items is a pain.
I second this motion!
On the too many objects in 1 square: It could be handy to be able to "Alt+Shft Click" the area, and get a little pop up list of the items contained on the tile being stood on. It could be disabled if it interferes with a "hidden object" puzzle (Not that I can think of any that would be "hidden" on the floor).
Currently conspiring with many modders on the "Legends of the Northern Realms"project.
"You have been captured by a psychopathic diety who needs a new plaything to torture."
Hotel Hades
"You have been captured by a psychopathic diety who needs a new plaything to torture."
Hotel Hades
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
I can 'third' that suggestion. In ORRR2 I had at least a hundred custom objects and I had to manually prefix all of them to identify them as part of my room; [intending that they would list my name in the error log when a problem happened].
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
Another thing I wish were done with the editor: can you move the drop-down list for container "actions" up (or maybe add more space to the area below) since when I click on it, the list extends down and the toggle option is not selectable. Even if the screen is not maximized and brought up on the screen, since the "toggle" option is below the main area and over the status bar, you can't select it. You instead have to select "close" to have the list move up when you open the selection list a second time.
Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)
This is really need! (But there is a work-around for LoG1; you make the editor a windowed app, and raise it upward (to the top edge) on the desktop, then open the menu, then extend the bottom of the window. It's a hassle, but it works.)Allanius2 wrote:Another thing I wish were done with the editor: can you move the drop-down list for container "actions" up (or maybe add more space to the area below) since when I click on it, the list extends down and the toggle option is not selectable. Even if the screen is not maximized and brought up on the screen, since the "toggle" option is below the main area and over the status bar, you can't select it. You instead have to select "close" to have the list move up when you open the selection list a second time.