[CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin!

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Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Post by Grimwold »

From a practical point of view, changing portraits on the fly is very easy... provided you have the relevant images.


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Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Post by JohnWordsworth »

We could really do with a getPortrait() method too, so that we can temporarily set a portrait and then revert to whatever the player originally chose as their portrait. Alternatively, a setPortraitOverlay(...) would also be very cool. Otherwise, Bob decides he's going to tackle the dungeon with his characters from the main game and then all of his portraits get randomly changed and his character's aren't the same anymore!
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Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Post by SpiderFighter »

JohnWordsworth wrote:We could really do with a getPortrait() method too, so that we can temporarily set a portrait and then revert to whatever the player originally chose as their portrait. Alternatively, a setPortraitOverlay(...) would also be very cool. Otherwise, Bob decides he's going to tackle the dungeon with his characters from the main game and then all of his portraits get randomly changed and his character's aren't the same anymore!
This tickles me to no end that we're seriously working through something that was present in 1992's Wolfenstein 3D. :D

I absolutely love where this is heading. We could even alter stats slightly. For example, the burning rage that your evil self feels may be a bit more powerful, but also consumes food at a higher rate.
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Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Post by HaunterV »

man! have portraits show health at a glance like in Doom or Wolfenstein!
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Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Post by Kuningas »

Sweet holy goromorgs and iridescent slimes abound! A fantastic idea, and seemingly simple to implement as well.

Also, finally starting to really work on my room in the dungeon. -__- This week was all hell and high water, but sometimes they come like that.
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Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Post by SpiderFighter »

Kuningas wrote:Also, finally starting to really work on my room in the dungeon. -__- This week was all hell and high water, but sometimes they come like that.
No worries; I think we're all distracted by the next Round! :D
(Seriously, take your time, we all know it will be worth the wait.)
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Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Post by Grimwold »

Speaking of round 2... a potential restriction on room size to 5x5 was mentioned... unfortunately the room that I have in mind would need to be bigger than this... although at a push I could do a similar puzzle without the theme I've based it around.
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Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Post by SpiderFighter »

Grimwold wrote:Speaking of round 2... a potential restriction on room size to 5x5 was mentioned... unfortunately the room that I have in mind would need to be bigger than this... although at a push I could do a similar puzzle without the theme I've based it around.
I was thinking we would start the map with a bunch of different size rooms so that each designer could choose the room they want. How big do we want to go in terms of room size?

(and on a side note, I've just dictated this entire post using voice recognition software. Now I just need to figure out how to do this in the grimrock editor!)

[EDIT: Sorry, I cross-referenced my threads just now with the voice recognition thing...was meant for another thread.]
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Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Post by Komag »

[the voice recognition on my phone works great, I use it all the time in stead of typing my texts :)]
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Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin

Post by Grimwold »

SpiderFighter wrote:
Grimwold wrote:Speaking of round 2... a potential restriction on room size to 5x5 was mentioned... unfortunately the room that I have in mind would need to be bigger than this... although at a push I could do a similar puzzle without the theme I've based it around.
I was thinking we would start the map with a bunch of different size rooms so that each designer could choose the room they want. How big do we want to go in terms of room size?
That sounds like a good idea.. and until 5x5 was mentioned, that's what I thought had been suggested.

I was looking at using maybe 9x8 or perhaps a fraction bigger to allow for a little something on the way out.
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